Setting 26 eggs today (June 27th) Anyone else?

I'm on Day #20 with 30 eggs...

12 Ameracaunas (prob EE's)

18 mixed silkies, BB reds, australorps, orpingtons.

lost 8 eggs by day #7... 4 infertile ameracaunas and 2 of the remainder (blood rings, scrambled yolks)

the remainder all looked good by day #14, but it was hard to tell with the ameracaunas.

Got 4 pips today, expecting a big day tomorrow!
Well I've got one chick...the only pip...hatched yesterday afternoon on day 23. Seems a little weak. It was hours before it took a few steps, still not as strong as it should be this morning. It's become quite attached to me...won't stop cheeping LOUDLY unless I pick it up.
It's tucked into my shirt now sleeping quietly.

Nothing else happening with any of the other eggs. I'll have to pull them tonight
, we're going on vacation tomorrow. I already pets. My daughter ...the chicken babysitter...will have her hands full with this rotten little guy!
Well I have 7 chicks that have hatched and 7 in the incubator still one pipped nothing from the others. One died last night it pipped and busted through the top alittle but just didn't make it
It was coming from a very small deformed egg so I kinda figured it was gonna have problems I was just hoping to give it a chance at life.
Today is 23 still keeping my fingers crossed the rest will hatch today.
congrats to everyone on there babies...
Sorry the others didn't make it but sure sounds like you have a sweet one that may require a little attention. You may have to find it some friends!
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Yay now I have three yellow chicks and still have two in the incubator pipping and two doing nothing keeping my fingers crossed still that they will hatch too
I love turkens! they are so cute!

We looked under the mama hen yesterday and she had one baby that died
One I found today it was a baby turken it looks okay but sleeps alot and can't walk when he tries. it looks like ants have eaten his comb WAY up he has like one spikey thing left.
Pray he makes it! then went back down to the coop and heard peeping but no ants so that's a good thing. we've had ants eat some eggs so the babies died

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