Setting a double Yolked egg

gimmie birdies

Premium Feather Member
11 Years
Feb 12, 2013
Eastern WA
I have a double yolked egg that I set today. I have set them before, I usually just get to day 10, but not far after that. I have other eggs in incubator at the same time, so I will still try. I know people say don't do it, blah, blah, blah, but I am going to photo updates and do an eggtopsy if it doesn't make it. Also it is not really any diff than setting an egg that does not make to hatch day, other than you know ahead of time this one most likely will not make it. Here is the pic on setting day.

Don't worry I know what I am looking for and will not let a bad egg explode in my incubator.

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