Setting duck eggs on Saturday, 8/18 - Anyone wanna join? (Set by next Saturday for chicken eggs)

Yay, more members! My incubator is homemade, and it clicks on when the temp drops to 98.6, and off when it hits 100.4, averaging perfectly to 99.5. I got my eggs from Metzer, and they ship them in an awesome way - they have a foam insert that they set the eggs in, pointy side down, for shipping. Then there's an egg crate on top and bottom, and bubble wrap outside that. All mine are looking good! They're going in shortly and I can't wait!
They're in! I put them in at four. Here's hoping for a good hatch in 28 days :fl But, I have chicks coming the week after next week so that should help distract me as I wait!
It is very satisfying putting them in, isn't it?
I have been hyped up all day over these eggs.
These eggs are a fresh start on my daughter's cochin flock for 4H, and we are excited about them. Shipped eggs are just so dicey, I hope we get a decent hatch. I have some eggs to distract me, too over the next couple of weeks. I have five in the incubator with these I just set that will be a staggered hatch in a couple of weeks, plus more under a broody. My SIL didn't gather eggs while we were on vacation. I came home to a broody with more eggs than she could hatch, with a variety of due dates because the other hens kept laying in her nest.
I left her with the ones I thought would hatch together and put the other's in the incubator. I am looking forward to having a broody with chicks, I just love broodies.

I have never hatched ducks, but baby ducks are the cutest things..... I can't wait to see pics of your when they hatch!
Ugh, they're picky in the incubator! Higher humidity, different temperatures as they go along, and they take forever to hatch! Cute little buggers, though. I have a silkie that just went broody for the second time, and I debated giving her one duck egg to see what she did with it, but then reconsidered because if it turned out to be a boy and imprinted on her, he would think he was a chicken and try to mate my hens - which is deadly for them. So...I need silkie hatching eggs, or a female chick to give her. I might just give her a chick from my upcoming batch of chickies, but then again I might just give her a couple eggs from my neighbor's flock, as my two roos are a little too young and inexperienced to really get things done correctly with the ladies. Decisions!
Its my first set and I'd love to join as well. I'm setting in forty five minutes. I've got two Australorpes, two Silkie, and two Barred Plymouth Rocks. I've been maintaining 100-101 in my still air incubator and my humidity is at 54-56%. I live in super Humid Florida and the incubator is in the garage. So, it's near impossible to bring the humidity down. Is 56% ok or should I bring the incubator inside?
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First times are SSOOOOOO nerve wracking!!! Your humidity should be fine there. Do you have an egg turner or are you hand turning? With a still air I recommend you move the eggs about to different locations in the incubator as you go along to help ensure more even development of the eggs. Still air incubators usually have spots that get warmer than others. The cooler eggs will develop more slowly. Are the eggs from your own chickens? I wish you the best of luck with your hatch.
@ BidRed

The Corturnix quail only take 16-18 days to hatch. These ones are meat birds. I will hold back the biggest and the best for breeders and butcher the rest.
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Thanks for the warm welcome. You definitely hit the nail on the head, I've been super nervous and it's only day one. I'm afraid of drowning the little guys in their own shells, due to high humidity. here are so many different views on the topic. Problem is, the area where i live is so humid that without adding any water to the incubator, the humidity inside is at 56%. Also,
To answer your question, I have a turner in there. The nice lady at the feed store I go to said that the hatch rates aree better with a turner.
Thanks for the warm welcome. You definitely hit the nail on the head, I've been super nervous and it's only day one. I'm afraid of drowning the little guys in their own shells, due to high humidity. here are so many different views on the topic. Problem is, the area where i live is so humid that without adding any water to the incubator, the humidity inside is at 56%. Also,
To answer your question, I have a turner in there. The nice lady at the feed store I go to said that the hatch rates aree better with a turner.
I here you on all the different views. I woke up this morning to mine at 41% but the temp was still fine not sure why it dropped still had water in my pans. I think over the next few days after me and the kids make a egg candler I'm going to try and make a egg turner but at the same time me and the kids love turning them...........

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