Setting duck eggs on Saturday, 8/18 - Anyone wanna join? (Set by next Saturday for chicken eggs)


Hatchi Wan Kenobi
Project Manager
Premium Feather Member
12 Years
Mar 27, 2012
My Coop
My Coop
Now, I'm setting duck eggs, so if you want to hatch chicks with me, you'd have to set next Friday. Is anyone interested in joining me? This is my first time, and I'm so excited! :clap
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Aw, nobody wants to join in? Oh well, I'll still have fun by myself :) <-- Hehe, wrong!

These are all the members and what we're hatching:

16 13 10 3 Welsh Harlequin eggs, due to hatch September 15th
12 Silkie eggs, due to hatch September 13th
3 Polish Light Brahma/Buff Orp cross eggs due to hatch September 15th and 16th
8 Mixed Breed Duck Eggs, possibly fertile, due around September 18th if they are

Yo Burrill:

19 Easter Egger eggs due to hatch September 12th

19 Mixed Duckling eggs due to hatch September 17th

24 eggs due to hatch September 12th

7 RIR due to hatch September 6th
5 4 Welsummer due to hatch September 6th

Quail eggs due to hatch August 31st, September 4th, and September 9th
Chicken eggs due to hatch September 6th

24 15 chicken eggs due to hatch September 7th

List in progress, more to come when I get hatch dates from the rest of the members!
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I will be setting Coturnix Quail eggs Friday August 17th evening time. They will hatch before your duck eggs but I will join in and follow your posts if you don't mind. I haven't tried duck eggs yet so I may learn something from you with your first time.
Sounds good :) When will your quails be due to hatch? I've never done quails so maybe we can learn together.
My eggs arrived today! I'm letting them settle, so they'll go in tomorrow afternoon. How are yours doing?
I'll join in with you guys if you dont mine.

Great! How are your eggs doing? Mine were shipped and arrived today, so I'm letting them 'rest' for 24 hours before popping them in. Since they'll hatch way later than you guys' eggs anyway, I don't think waiting a day will pose a problem :rolleyes:

Where did you get your eggs? Are they from your own hens?
Great! How are your eggs doing? Mine were shipped and arrived today, so I'm letting them 'rest' for 24 hours before popping them in. Since they'll hatch way later than you guys' eggs anyway, I don't think waiting a day will pose a problem

Where did you get your eggs? Are they from your own hens?
20 days and a wake up. I got them from silkymom1986 after finding this form. We dont have any chickens yet. So far everything seems to be going ok. The homemade forced air incubator is holding temp at 99.6 to 99.8 with 50-52%hum. The kids are having fun turning the eggs I just have to watch my 5 year old she wants to open it up and hold the eggs. Other than that wanting for day 5 to candle. Me and the kids might make one of those today that way they can help out candling and I dont have to worry about them dropping one.
I will be setting Coturnix Quail eggs Friday August 17th evening time. They will hatch before your duck eggs but I will join in and follow your posts if you don't mind. I haven't tried duck eggs yet so I may learn something from you with your first time.
How long does your Quail take? Are these used for meat birds or something else.

I would like to join you, but I am setting 24 bantam cochin chicken eggs. Mine are also shipped, they just arrived. I was afraid they wouldn't come until Monday, so I am happy with the timing. I candled all the eggs and found three with totally ruptured air cells. A few more had damaged air cells, but they weren't ruptured. I put all the eggs right in the incubator and will leave the turner off for a few days. I don't see any difference between them settling in the incubator vs on a table this time of year, and freshness counts, too. Its not like the eggs need to warm up first. Last time I hatched shipped eggs was over a year ago in a homemade incubator. This time I am using a Hovabator 1588, so here' hoping I have a great hatch.
Good luck to everyone else!!

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