Setting eggs july 13 anyone else setting today, I need a buddy

me too.....
18 days from start to lockdown and 18 days from july 13th would be the...........31th i think and mine would be the 1th of august, so 3 days for u and 4 days for me..... its so confusing
My last candling was tonight, looks promising. My lockdown day will be Friday because I will not be home Saturday. The last three days of incubation I do not manually turn eggs. I have stopped turning as early as 17 days if any pipping or self movement occurs. I do like ReikiStar said using paper towels across bottom and placing eggs on thier side. I also recheck the temp at the top of the eggs because the height changes after the turner is removed. When they temp is ok I make one final turn and lockdown.

reminder (in case any newbee needs one):
It is better to have low temp than too high. Do not rush temp increases when needed.
You should top off the water trays with warm water, and keep the incubator closed (except to add water) until 24 hours after the first chicks hatch so that humidity is not lost.

As the chicks start to hatch they need more oxygen. My incubator directions say to remove plugs on top.

I'll be away from computer until Monday. Neighbor will be here monitoring over weekend.

one again, good luck to all. Scott (Bugg)
I'm going do my last candle this evening then I'm putting them into lockdown tomorrow evening... I'll be backpacking until Monday so the little ones are heading into lockdown a day and a half early. Should have babies around Thursday but maybe earlier since they're bantys. Looking forward to a bunch of Silkies running around
last candling is tonight then they go into lockdown on sunday morning! i cant wait to see atleast a few of my polish runing around the bator on the 4th of august... ill post pics if i get any hatches
I have wiggling from both of my July 13th eggs.....I am sooo excited!!. I read somewhere to knock still air incubators back to 99 degrees during lockdown (I have bantam cochin chickens in there)?
Perfect thing to come back home to, a bunch of new fluffy chickies. Hope everyone's hatches go well. Mine are due on the tenth of august so i still have to somehow maintain my patience.
i candled my eggs but there seems to be a lot of room left in the eggs for day 17 eggs. do u think they will hatch late?
I candled mine today also and I have some that have more room then others. I hope they still hatch. some of the eggs are huge though so that may be it.

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