Setting eggs July 6th. Need some hatching buddies. Lets have some fun!

I'm half in! Started a hatch, then the power went out, figure I lost most of them but keeping them rolling and adding what I call a "mad hatchers hatch" I'm getting eggs that are old, or refrigerated from folks, adding them to the Winkubator (wine cooler) and running them as well. My daughter dared doubt that some of them would hatch. Since I happen to be one of those weird people who hate rules, for the sake of rules. I spent about of my first year hatching, doing mad hatches... 2,3,4,5 even six week old eggs, sets of refrigerated eggs. Nursing along cracked eggs. Between normal hatches. I ended up with several dozen "improbable" chickens.
Unfortunately Erin wasnt there so now she doubts me... Daughters... So I'm soliciting and buying and begging old eggs, fridge eggs and odd eggs to all go into this hatch. I'll be half with you all and about a week behind as well, yes, it means I am also staggering the hatch. Mishatch's like power outages tend to stretch out hatch dates in any case. I got over freaking about every egg, since almost all are shipped in, I learned to stop worrying so much. It goes, or it doesn't. These hatches are just watching the magic. They often make it despite the weird odds and then it's just neat. It's sad but you keep trying and it works eventually.
So far there are Wheaton Marans, orp and silkie eggs, adding mixed eggs next, and more silkie eggs, and with any luck some ameraucana eggs. Older refrigerated silkie eggs - big smilies on em. Shooting for roughly four dozen, which should be a good thermal mass for the Winkubator.
Good luck to you all! Anyone got old eggs? Lol
I'll send you Americana hatching eggs for some silkie eggs. :)
Hi all,
My eggs arrived via USPS today. I heard they should sit for about 12 hours before starting? I am going to try and hatch a half dozen Mille Fleur d'uccle eggs.
I have never incubated eggs. I hatched with the Mothers-day hatch but I used a broodie. With temps 100+ I don't think anyone wants to sit on a nest. I just borrowed the incubator from a friend. It worries me as their hatch rate was very low.
I am looking for advice.
Okay, I set 7 eggs this morning (I fell asleep last night & didn't get then in the incubator). I am already having a hard time getting the humidity down in the incubator. I opened both holes and put a dry sponge inside too. Any other ideas?
It looks like only two of the four duck eggs are growing (I started with six but the post office crushed the box and I lost two from the beginning). I candled last night and I can definitely see progress in two, but the third is iffy and the fourth looks like nothing.

I guess I should just be happy that even some are growing?........
This was actually just asked in the old fashioned broody thread; 5 days at earliest for a novice but they said not to chuck unless you are sure the egg isnt viable. Some will look like they aren't doing anything and will end up hatching.
I set 34 eggs on July 1 this is my first time incubating eggs. They are Dominique/Barred Rock, Maran, and Cochin. Will candle them when I get home tonight. Hoping my little Giant still air is doing its job. I will let you know how it goes. My thermostat has been running between 98.8 and 100.8. Wish me luck.
well tomorrow will be the test to see if my hovabator will hold humidity and temp for 2 day. i have to leave my eggs for 2 days and this is the first time i left my incubator at all im a bit worried but also curious to see what happens. usually i open the bator once a day and give the eggs some fresh air and top off the humidity tray to keep it at 45% humidity at all times.
Not that I have an incubator (so I'd have to go buy one at TSC), but can you hatch the first pullet-size eggs?
My EE just started laying last Sunday (8 eggs out of 8 days so far - I'll check in an hour or two to see if she has one today making it 9 out of 9). Her eggs are so small right now, but I've seen an EE cockerel jump on her back so it's possible that the eggs are fertile (we blew the contents of the first 5 eggs to preserve the shell so I can't see the fertile bullseye). I'm concerned that the size of the eggs won't allow for chick development (or would this give me bantams?
Oh if only that was the way to get little chickens
If I could hatch eggs that are small like that, I'd be temped to join you and try for more EEs since I haven't decided which roo is going to have to go (have 3, can't imagine feeding 3 all winter waiting for spring). If this roo is the one that's fated to not stick around, at least I'd have some of his chicks even though I am not sure about hatching now (will they be laying before winter?).

Yes, pullet eggs hatch and no, they're not bantam chicks lol. Fertility can be hit and miss a bit but straightens out quickly. Or you can Make An Incubator :). Which is a great way to learn more than how to turn the dial.:lol:

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