Setting eggs June 3rd. Need hatching buddies! Lets have some fun!

Well I hope it is just coincedence. I'd hate to think you lost that many. I'm at a loss. I don't have very much experience. I do know that candling doesn't always show you what you want. But I'd let it go for at least 24 hours after hatch date. I'd also listen for peeps as hatch day got closer.
I solved my humidity problem. The best I could do is close one of the vents to keep the humidity at 68%. It looks like I did the laundry and left it in the incubator sopping wet. I was surprised how many set items I had to put in there.... in addition to filling the water channels. Kind of strange.
I'm taking the egg turner out of the Brinsea tonight...time to go into lockdown. My little giant went into lockdown today. We are on our stop...silkie town. YAY 8 eggs....hopefully 8 chicks.
I am working on humidity now. Its been around 35-45 much of the time so far, but I've had to put forth effort to keep it up there at 40-45. I am not sure how I will increase it to 60-65% later when I must. I'm experimenting with different things now.
I'm so sad! I went to turn my eggs, and there was a crack all the way down the shell, so i figured it was dead. So i opened the shell to see what was up and i saw the baby chicke mocing its leg!!1 I killed a baby chick!!!
I stuff the water chambers under the bottom (grill thingie of my hovabator) with paper towels, and then soak them.... then put tampons in the ones with holes in them... soak them.....then get one of the small ziploc containers with a lid, cut a triangle from the edge like a pie slice.... fill the plastic bowl with warm water, put lid on and put it in the bator.

wait, wait wait.....

Be patient, don't take the eggs out, don't lift the lid, and make sure that there's no fan blowing on the eggs.

I know absolutely nothing formal but so far, so good!
I stuff the water chambers under the bottom (grill thingie of my hovabator) with paper towels, and then soak them.... then put tampons in the ones with holes in them... soak them.....then get one of the small ziploc containers with a lid, cut a triangle from the edge like a pie slice.... fill the plastic bowl with warm water, put lid on and put it in the bator.

wait, wait wait.....

Be patient, don't take the eggs out, don't lift the lid, and make sure that there's no fan blowing on the eggs.

I know absolutely nothing formal but so far, so good!
My Brinsea has the fan going, is that ok?
Got caught up with my broody and her problems. So been a while but.....

Beckymca - I'm addicted to hatching also. This is only my second hatch but I already have plans for more. My hubby though wonders where all the chickens are going to go. I'm a teacher and I do a meal worm project with my kids that takes them through the whole life cycle which takes 3 to 4 months. Then as a end reward/wrap up to the mealworm project, I bring chicks to school and let them feed the chicks their mealworms. So I have to hatch some out this december or the kids will get scared by my large fully grown chickens. (We have many who are afraid of 3 week old chicks). Sad but many have very little contact with animals and nature.

Gabrielle1976 , Stephanie - I put way too many eggs in the incubator. My turner only holds 41 eggs but I had 46 in there hand turning 5 sitting on the rim. I candled twice in the last week and got rid of some eggs that didn't appear to be developing just so that I could fit the other 5 eggs up on the turner. And I have a few on the counter that I really want to stick in there for a staggered hatch. My roo has been gone 2 1/2 weeks so it is now or never but I have it full with eggs that are supposed to hatch Sunday!

Stephanie - You seem to be having a lot of temp swings with your little giant. I don't have still air but I do have a little giant. I wanted to ask you. Is it in an air conditioned space that is at a set temp. Not like at night we keep it at 72 but during the day we raise the house to 76? Is is actually away from doors and windows? Also does your air conditioning vent blow on or at it. I have found with good placement that mine is very stable, more so than I thought it would be. I'm on day 15 and it has been rock solid 99.5 degrees. I have an electronic house temp monitor in my incubator and it keeps track of high and low temps. 97 to 99 (it doesn't measure tenths) all day long and the 97's happen when I open to add water or candle. I also have 2 plain thermometers on top my eggs to look for temp variations. The little house thing was actually for humidity the high low temp was a bonus.

Stephanie, WhitePetunia, Jake - other first time hatchers. Do not worry about movement when candling. It is nice to see but many darker eggs just aren't that visible after about day 8. My first hatch was black copper marans with americauna's couldn't see much of anything most of the time. But most of them hatched and lived. I had a couple get shrink wrapped. Just stay the course. I know the first time is so nerve racking. I didn't sleep for 3 days.

Experienced hatchers. I have my own dilemma. I have to be out of town for days 17, 18, 19 so do I stop the turner early or late?
I have had early hatches that began while the eggs were still in the automatic turner and everything went well. Also a friend had 2 Peacock eggs in the incubator and kinda forgot about them. One hatched while still in the automatic egg turner. I would leave the turner on till you get back.
Thanks Hopkins. I rearranged my schedule and will only be out for day 19 so I can lockdown normally and hope the humidity stays up while I'm gone, only about 12 hours hopefully. I have trouble raising the humidity in my LG during lock down, usually have to keep moistening paper towels through the vent hole. But I feel better now that I won't be gone long. I have some Blue laced red Wyandottes that I just can't wait for hatch day. And a few barnyards from my own flock. Since my rooster is now gone I'm curious what will show up in the mix. Its like christmas you never know.
Haven't been able to keep up on here very well the last several days and been missin' you guys. I steped on a stray nail in the ball of my foot Friday rite through my flip flop, and had to pull it out. The nail was in a small piece of 2x4 too. Yep, that was fun????? My daughter has been here to do my " walking " for me the last few days while it was swollen to the point my toes wouldn't wiggle! After a few antibotics, epson and sea salt soakings, it has finally gone down alot. I have my toes back!!!! ( Also had a tetnus in January, so good there.) Anyway.....time has gotten away from me and I realized lockdown is tomorrow for me!! Got a lot to do today. Girl brought me 4 turkey poults Saturday I had ordered locally. Bad timing as it was I just put them in my brooder for the time so it would be easier for me to take care of them. Now I need to get them out and brooder cleaned and ready for hatching babys. Guess I will just skip candeling today and just let it ride. I think 30 is to much and don't want my temp and humidity to vary that much rite now. What is going to hatch will and what's not won't??? I just hope there are no exploders!!!!!

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