Setting eggs June 3rd. Need hatching buddies! Lets have some fun!

Well, I didn't see this, but today is my day 21! I have a Hovabator 1588 and I use an auto-turner. This time I did dry incubation (20-30%) w/ all my garden starts inside, didn't have to add any H2O until lock down. I'm hatching them in egg cartons this time, because I have had some issues with incomplete hatches when I laid them on their sides after keeping them in the auto-turner for the first 18 days. We had two hatch out earlier today, and we have another 10 or so pipped and zipping :)
Poof was first very early naughty poof 6/22 Early Morning.
Then there is Fluff fluff was born early this morning at some point 6/24
Here is toast he was born late late last night or early early this morning 6/23-6/24
Here is smudge he also was born early tihs morning 6/24
This is bug he was born this after noon 6/24
Fudge born this after noon 6/24
Cookie was also born this after noon 6/24
I have three serama and 2 chukars that hatched to day as well but Im falling asleep. IM to old to run on less then 2 hours of sleep
The count is as follows... 2 Ameraucanas, 1 Laced Brahma, 1 Barred Rock. Three more pipped and workin on it.... it's been a very very exciting day. Jake.......don't worry about this deal, it's really helpful if you make a huge pot of coffee and stare at the incubator for hours and hours on end. No, not really, but for some reason it's just what I do.

Best of luck everyone, pictures to come later!!

Go get em chickies!!!
Hi.... One of my hens started sitting on eggs a while back. I candled them, & put the viable ones back under her with crosses drawn on them.
I had a look under her again yesterday. The other hens have a habbit of laying more eggs in THAT nest when she gets off to eat.
BUT lo & behold.....I found a dead chick there!!!! I was amazed as I didnt even see a chick or hear one!!! We were very sad about it.
SOOooo does that mean the hen is fairly clueless about babys?? The eggs are most likely to hatch at different times, so Ive heard that
can be a problem for the hen cos she will stay till all the eggs are hatched.

Any suggestions regarding hatching & momma hens???
Went out to check on my chickens this morning. Had to seperate my broody last night as she and another hen who wanted her next box broke one of the eggs she was sitting on. To my dismay she wasn't sitting on the eggs this morning
I've moved her before w/no problem. Don't know if I should discard the eggs or not. Today would be day 4.

On a happier note, my incubator eggs will be on day 20 after 6:30 this evening!. To my surprise I came in to the sound of peeping
. I was really surprised to see 2 hatchlings. One wet, one dry. The wet chick looks like a Blue Cochin. Checked my notes and see I had set one egg under my Silky for 2 days before I put it in the incubator. That would explain the Cochin, but not the yellow chick which is probably a BO from eggs I purchased from a neighbor. Don't see any other pips yet, but that's OK for now.
Absolutly Nothing out of the rest of the eggs! I am not understanding! I will give them till tomorrow and then they have to go. Have 29 guinea eggs to lock down on Wensday that have been in an automatic turner. We will see how that goes and hopefully the turner will make a diffrence.
Hatch day was yesterday 14 out of 19 I'm disappointed though as 2 of the 5 remaining eggs pipped and zipped early yesterday but now have not moved since couldn't open to help as I didn't want to jeopardise the others hatching. On the bright side 14 happy chicks
My liddle dumplings :)

Still got one more to hatch in the incubator. I can hear it making chirping noises, but looks like it won't be out 'til tomorrow morning!

So far, I got two yellow ones, one black on. O so cute!

The first two:

The first two, plus the black one :)

The eggs, one which had dried blood all through it :3

Day awesome widdle sings!

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