Setting eggs June 3rd. Need hatching buddies! Lets have some fun!

or any one that has some input???
I have a question? Watching your live cam yesterday I noticed your eggs were hatching sitting in egg cartons. I was under the impression that the chicks rolled their eggs around to get into position to hatch. How does that work in the cartons? Yours seemed to do just fine! I am asking ,because I had my eggs, that are suppose to be hatching, in toilet paper rings for 18 days. I took them out of the rings and laid them down on lockdown. Do you think this could have caused a problem, the reason these remaining eggs are not hatching? I am also tossing the idea of waiting for the turner get level on the guinea eggs and stopping it, and leaving the eggs where they are?????
, it's really helpful if you make a huge pot of coffee and stare at the incubator for hours and hours on end. No, not really, but for some reason it's just what I do.

Best of luck everyone, pictures to come later!!

Go get em chickies!!!
Jake? Any sign of life in there??

Baconskatiedid..I'm sorry! How many have hatched?

Day 19 for me and I've seen a couple of the eggs move around a little bit.
WE have our first one!! Ours we not due until tomorrow, and our temp was low, so we didn't expect... But here they come!! WE have an Austracana (Aussie/ araucauna cross) and another headed out of the egg!! Of course I am scheduled to give blood today!! GRR!!! I love hatch day. The kids rarely tough a TV remote or an Xbox controler!! Good luck to everyone still hatching!
No pips, no rolling or moving eggs, and no chirping. I belleive they are all dead. Even though day 18 and the morning of day 19 i saw lots of rolling eggs. Now nothing. :(((
or any one that has some input???
I have a question? Watching your live cam yesterday I noticed your eggs were hatching sitting in egg cartons. I was under the impression that the chicks rolled their eggs around to get into position to hatch. How does that work in the cartons? Yours seemed to do just fine! I am asking ,because I had my eggs, that are suppose to be hatching, in toilet paper rings for 18 days. I took them out of the rings and laid them down on lockdown. Do you think this could have caused a problem, the reason these remaining eggs are not hatching? I am also tossing the idea of waiting for the turner get level on the guinea eggs and stopping it, and leaving the eggs where they are?????
Im not shure. I just know it seems to help with some issues. I am not havening a great hatch but I really dont think it has anything to do with the cartons cuase I had 12 eggs hatch in the egg cartons and only 2 that werent in them. So I think I will countenue to do it with cartons. I did have one chick get burnt by the heating element as they can stand tall enough to reach it on the cartons and I over croweded a bit I think if I have eggs in cartons Ill put less in next time. I dont think moveing them on day 18 would mess them up but Hopefully someone that has more experance will answer you as well cuase Im sorta new to hatching only have maybe a dozen hatches at the very most under my belt as it were and this is only my 3rd in the past sevral years.
You remember how i dropped that one egg on the other? well the one i dropped it on i just hatched it. Its alive, but it has really small wings.. Help?

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