Setting eggs June 3rd. Need hatching buddies! Lets have some fun!

Everyone has such good looking chicks!

My Silky has rejected the silver chick I slipped under her yesterday. The chick seems to be having a problem walking so that may be why.
I have 3 chicks! And i put 28 into lockdown, but i wont be going home until the 1st, So im gonna leeave them in the incubator then do an autopsy on them.
Ok on day 21 with bantam eggs started with 9 only one fertile and NOTHING! It is starting to smell odd in the room I have the incubator so I am taking that as a bad sign. How long should I wait before discarding the egg??? My first hatch and a bust. But I have eggs coming today and will try this one more time.
Congrats on all the pretty babies!
Hang in there you WILL get babies eventually. Good luck on the next hatch!!
We have one little chick with a bad leg. I am not sure what to do . We get putting the leg in the correct position but as soon as we put the chick down it flails again. This chick was stuck trying to get out for a a day or more. Last night I finally gave in and helped. The upper part of the leg was glued to the shell. i kept wetting with warm water and a q-tip to losen it. It finally hatched in my hand. So it's been almost 12 hours and the poor little bird still can't get that leg under it by itself. I took it out of the bator it was getting trompled. And idea how to make something to help it? My nursing skills aren't helping me right now!
They leg bends in under the body and the first joint and just lays behind the chicks butt.
I think I lost either 4 or 3. Two leghorns started to hatch, but quit before finishing. I believe a temperature drop caused problems for them. I will leave them alone until tomorrow. The heat has been increased, so maybe they will perk up. Today is day 21.There are two eggs that do not appear to have pipped. I'm sad for the two that I saw trying to hatch (love my leghorns!) but overall I have had a very successful first hatch with my homemade incubator! I think I began with 29, lost 3 before lock down. It looks like 4 eggs are left in the incubator, but I think 23 chick babies hatched... (my numbers are off by one chick somewhere unless one of those eggs in the bator is empty) anyway give or take one chick - good hatch overall! Thanks for the company everyone. This was fun!

Maybe I only lost 2 before lock down...the egg with the duct tape hasn't pipped (that I can see), but it was alive before lockdown..
I think I lost either 4 or 3. Two leghorns started to hatch, but quit before finishing. I believe a temperature drop caused problems for them. I will leave them alone until tomorrow. The heat has been increased, so maybe they will perk up. Today is day 21.There are two eggs that do not appear to have pipped. I'm sad for the two that I saw trying to hatch (love my leghorns!) but overall I have had a very successful first hatch with my homemade incubator! I think I began with 29, lost 3 before lock down. It looks like 4 eggs are left in the incubator, but I think 23 chick babies hatched... (my numbers are off by one chick somewhere unless one of those eggs in the bator is empty) anyway give or take one chick - good hatch overall! Thanks for the company everyone. This was fun!

Maybe I only lost 2 before lock down...the egg with the duct tape hasn't pipped (that I can see), but it was alive before lockdown..

When ever you can send me those eggs me AND you can start a hatch a long again? Taking from how much fun this one was! Just let me know.
Ok Jake! Will do....

I think my hatch is finished, with 23 babies!

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