Setting Eggs on April 24th!!!! Who wants to hatch along w/me???

yes newlyweds, a rabbit hutch makes the best brooder (at least I think)

Hey Scubadeaux, congrats on the cracked egg!!! will keep my fingers crossed for ya

My temp has jumped to 102 a couple times, hope I will be ok, starting to worry!!!!!!!!!! Just the nerves I think!
Can we join?!

one of our hens went broody April 23, and I think we had all the eggs set by the 25th so hoping for a May 14th arrival date!!! This is our first broody hatch and hatch all together! We have been contemplating getting an incubator but have decided that it wasn't in the budget (and space convenient in the chicken house) to get one and do a large scale hatching
Not that it mattered cause all our girls are starting to want to be mommies!

But now a week later we had another broody sit so we are def. in for a treat!!!!

7 eggs under our first hen (we call her Ginger (OEGB Brassy Back))
Various bantams....
Sebrights, Millies, and OEGB so we are in for some funky breeding!!!! For the most part, the male Macchiato (Red Pyle OEGB) Has been the dominate daddy for Ginger, Clemmie (Our Millie Fleur D'Uccle) and Frappe' (our Red Pyle OEGB Female) and there are a few sebright hens that seem to run with the sebright male... So, I am very excited

Candeled last night as our first candling we kinda rushed because we didn't know that we could have the eggs out for more than a few seconds but saw good viens both times! An this week we saw actually chickens! One of them looks like his egg is going to get real small real quick ! I hope thats ok....
One more week come friday and we are too excited!!!!!

And I think 5-7 under our Sebright hen who has yet to be named

But we candeled a few last night and there is growth, two more weeks for her to go!
Same babies under her that are under Ginger....

Good Luck to all!!!

Is everyone as anxious as us?!
hey bantam breeder, absolutely you can join!!

I also love bantams. Had D'Anvers for a long time, don't have any right now and I miss them!
I did get a pair of bantam faverolle's and am getting another pair for my son to show in 4H! Love them, they are so pretty!

Good luck to you!
Hi...... Ive candled some of my eggs, theres some I cant even see in them because they are dark eggs or colored. I think I see blood rings in a couple but not sure. I really dont want to throw any away until Im sure they are not any good. Wish I had someone here to look at them and tell me.

We are getting closer to lock down. I can hardly wait. I keep looking at my sheet of paper with the days marked on it, hoping for the days to go faster.

Heres to hoping the days go by fast................................
I would leave them if they are questionable, better to be safe then sorry. Next time you candle it will be more obvious, or if there hasn't been any change in the eggs, just be sure to mark them so you know which ones they were.

To me the blood ring is very obvious dark ring around the egg. But if you leave it and then candle at day 18 and no difference then you will know for sure.

Hope this helps.

Everyone I am crazy, ha ha ha. I went to a local man that sells yard eggs, scoped out his place saw he had a variety of hens, white rocks, leghorns, RIR, etc. I bought a dozen eggs ($2), came home and checked for fertility and set 7 of the eggs yesterday in my bator
. He said they were from yesterday but had been refrigerated, so I guess I will see if they develop or not.
That brings the bator total back up to 44.
Thank You Newlyweds..... I have looked at a few here and there. But I think I will do as you say and leave them in there. My husband is starting to get excited about them to. Hes starting to ask questions about lock down. I will be at work on day 19 and 20, and he will be home probably not getting anything done because he will be watching the eggs....

I hope we have a pretty good hatch...... Hope all is going good for everybody else....
Hey everyone!!

I hope you guys are doing good with your hatches so far. I too have sucked my husband into the great chicken addiction, with great pleasure I might add!!

My cracked egg continues to hold....

Fighting some temp swings since dud eggs removed, and the afternoon is getting hot here!

My incubator must be giving off hormones

The day I set my eggs, one hen, while mowing grass yesterday my husband nearly ran over our youngest hen who laid a big clutch in a thick bed of irisis!!!

She caught on quick, I moved her eggs to a nesting box she could find, then moved them to their place!!!

This is gonna be funny if I have my hatch an then all my silly, highly confused hens come strolling our of all four corners with a string of chicks!!

I see my roo scampering around "checking on things"!!!

Hope you all are having a great day!! HAPPY DAY 15!!!

Oh I wanted to share a egg candle pic, not many come out too good..

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Getting very excited!!!! Another of our bantams went broody and our brooder wasn't meant for three!!! Two really at the most....

But for some reason they are playing the nest switching game, so we are going to take Ginger and move her into the "growing up" box we have out 1 month+ old chicks in. Partition it off so Ginger can have some more room and be alone for her hatching
And have her nest back since they stole it from her!

So excited! Three mamas... over 20 eggs.... last time we checked 14+ had development and the other one just sit so we shall check her on friday

I said I wanted more chickens, I guess we are getting them!

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