Setting Eggs on April 24th!!!! Who wants to hatch along w/me???

Congrat Justtoni!

Yeah, I did the sponge thing too and it worked really well. helped keep the humidity up!

Newlyweds, hang in there! You are doing great!!!!!
OK..just have a minute.
Checked on the chicks and my littlw splash is doing great......on it's feet, walking around and eating.
The leg that appeared messed up seem to be correcting itself...........Makes me a happy women.
I have been looking for SLW eggs to hatchJust bid on 6 in the auction here......Said $3.00.hope that does not mean per egg. Have not bid or had shipped eggs before.
You need to submit the picture of your babies sleeping for the picture of the week..................
The most adorable thing I have seen...made me smile.
So happy you are trying again.
Scubadeaux and smchickfarm...........hope all is well with you.

HI everyone,
The sun has finally found us...and the chickens are so enjoyable to see them dust bath and stretch out in the warmth.
I did the thing I should not have....ordered eggs from a BCM memeber in Florida..
I know I should not have opened that easy........
O well, It was not much money and kind of a passive aggresive message to my husband.
I had counted on him to build me a breeding pen. Guess I thought it was a better idea than he did.
I have a beautiful trio of SLWyn's , a trio of Astrlorps and a small flock of Cuckoo marans. Also my pride flock of BCM's.................
Guess I had better figure out how to build one myself. That should provide some entertainment.
Anyway, I bought 6 SLWyn was all she had. I am excited, although I would rather have hatched my own.
Also found a local person who has true Americana', guess I have to buy some of those eggs also.LOL

See what you guys have done to me.

My babies are great and the 6 week olds look lke miniture chickens now.
They have learned feet mean s food they run to me everytime I go outside.
To much fun...maybe they love me .....just kidding.
Thanks all for hanging in..I enjoy all of you very much.
Hey guys!!!
Loved catching up on the updates!
Toni Yeeeeaaaa on the babies!!

smchickfarm, keep us updated on the hatch!!!
newlyweds the babies are beauituful!! Hatch the heck out of those eggs, we are all sending you prayers and hugs!!!

Sorry I have been busy, and recovering from my tragic Silkie incident.
But I found a cure!!! Toni, you are as bad as me!! I am having about 30 eggs delivered. Silkies and Bantam Sumatras!! OOOHhhh!

My poor showgirl eggs really had a tough time with shipping. Only one was infertile, the rest were so shaken with loose air cells. Only one made it to lockdown. It is moving now...oh geez I hope this ONE makes it!!!! Orloff eggs due in 2 weeks. Going crazy here!!!

I told my husband the only way to ease my pain was to hatch a BUNCH of Silkies!! So we just finished building the "mega bator" and I will be doing a test run, and when the shipped eggs arrive BAM, here we go again!!

If I keep hatching, hubby just hast to keep up with the coop building/expansion or they will be pooing on his porch
justtoni44- I just might submit that picture, they are so sweet, I am in love. Glad you having warm weather, what I wouldn't give to trade with you for a few weeks, its been in the 90's now for what seems like months, yikes it's hott.

Scuba- I guess I missed it, what Silkie tragedy? Sorry to hear about the showgirl eggs, I've had some trouble with my shipped eggs this round also, I started with 40+ eggs and now down to 25, some were infertile, but lots had loose air cells, ugh.

Well I locked down today 25 eggs, 8 EE's, and 16 OE's. Wish me luck, this is the time I always start having problems, though this whole hatch has been troubled with different issues. :flWishing me luck here, heck I might be happy if just a few hatch. Low hopes I know but I've been crushed before and I just don't want to go through that again. So fingers are crossed!!
Not happy this morning....just recievesd a message from the person I bought eggs from saying they should be here by Friday.
They will not be good wilL they?............I had asked how old they were when I bid and did not recieve an answer.Now it is going to be a week from when I won the bid. Think I wasted my money and their time.
I am going to be very disappointed if incubation is a wasted effort.
Some how.I am going to get my own SLWYN'S seperated to day and get my own eggs.

What do you think,any chance for thee at all?
Justtoni - I don't know, you could still have a chance, I would see what kind of shape they are in when you get them, let them rest then put them in the bator and see what happens. Good idea on seperating yours and getting your own eggs!!!!! That is what I do! Keeping my fingers crossed for you

Newlyweds - Sending you lots of happy hatching vibes!!!
Keep us posted

Scubadeaux - happy hatching vibes to you also
Sounds like you have a lot of babies coming!

Still plan on setting some next week, will see how that goes!!!!!!!!!
justtoni44- Oh no I hate to hear that. Hopefully the eggs are fresh and not over a week old. Though it they are I have heard/read about several people having successful hatching of older eggs. Hopefully you get ahold of the seller and find out. Thanks for the hatching support.

smchickfarm- Thanks for the good hatching vibes.

Hopefully it's working I have the incubator in my computer room and as I was sitting at my computer, I heard cheeping coming for the bator, no pips so far but heard a chick so hopefully it will start hatching soon, though I am only on day 19. I am still trying not to get my hopes up too high, but it is so hard not too!

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