Setting eggs on FEB 10

I'm on day 4 of my geese eggs now. 2 seem perfect, 1 seems to have a loose air cell as well, but I'm holding out it'll be fine. I start the misting and cool down process for 15 mins per day this evening. I hope I'm doing this right lol

Very exciting!! I'm definitely sticking with chickens until I can figure all this out.

Sorry about the delay in responding.

My goose eggs are of course set by now. My duckling hatch went poorly. I only got 3/9 full-term ducklings. Most were positioned wrong. I had the air cells up. I don't know what happened.

My mom went through surgery okay but they did let her suffer for an hour after she woke up, which I was not happy about. You figure that they would have anticipated pain from cutting her open and slicing out a chunk of her intestines and had the medicine on hand. Common sense was not on the chart obviously.

I'm so sorry about your duck hatch. Those babies that made it are really adorable, though. Discovered I have a weakness for ducklings.

They did that to my grandmother after surgery too, delayed getting her the pain meds. Hospitals always seem to be so cruel. I hate that we are powerless to help. Here's hoping that she has a speedy recovery
I just sold the "Berts" ( Eggbert, Huebert, and Bobbert) I will miss those ducklings but I never planned on keeping them. *sigh*

I see development in at least 2 of the goose eggs, but its harder to tell.

How are your goose eggs? They have 2 days on mine.
Sorry I haven't been in for a while. Things have been crazy! I hope your Mom is doing better buggles. I've had a lot going on here with family as well. My Nan has been diagnosed with breast cancer as well as cancer in her lymph nodes in her arm. So that has kind of taking primary attention lately. The 2 lemon cuckoo orps I hatched (along with the other chicks I bought from the hatchery) are all doing well and growing FAST! My big gals are laying well. I have 17 layers and getting 12-15 eggs per day. Need to find out who is constantly holding out on us lol. My geese eggs may all 3 be doing well! I wanted to let them set an extra day or so, but our schedule just wasn't allowing for it but I think they're doing well. We cool them 15 mins each evening, mist them and put them back. Turning 3x a day and I think all are well! Now is there a lockdown period for geese where we stop turning/misting and up the humidity? Lordy I have no clue! The berts are super cute by the way! I may already have a home for these guys since there's no where we can keep these, but they'll be going to our church friends' 5 kids!
I'm sorry about your Nan. We'll pray for her. :hugs

I think I figured which of my "pullets" is holding out on me. I'm pretty sure Frezno is a roo now.

Final count is 5/6 developing goose eggs. I wouldn't be keeping any goslings either. This is only to see if I can.
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LOL I, like you, enjoy doing things just to experience them to say I did it! All 3 of mine may be developing but I'm not sure. It's a lot more different than chicks than I expected. Can an embryo develop even w/ a detached air cell? I'm so certain it's an air cell I see wobbling around in there, but there's a large dark spot that seems to get bigger and more developed, so I'm like MAYBE there is a gosling in there!

Thank you for your prayers for my Nan. We go for round #2 of chemo today and myself and my 2 yr old are taking her. By this time next week she will start noticing her hair loss they say. We've already picked her out a new hair color and a few wig options, so she seems to be handling it OK (on the outside) at least.
I Googled a sultan pic for you.

And actually I have 11 sultan chicks now. My MIL picked them up for me and mentioned they also got in assorted bantam chicks, which to me means goody box. I found another sultan, a Millie fluer d'uccle, and this mystery chick I couldn't pass up.
Yeah, sultans are an ornamental breed.

..." Sultan Bantams are unique and present a beautiful poultry display with their pure white plumage, slate blue legs and extra body parts. They are the only breed of bantam to have all of the extra body parts. They have crests, beards, muffs, feathers on legs and toes, vulture hocks and five toes on each foot."

I am into interesting and ornamental breeds. I will be raising seramas, sultans, Millie fluer d'uccle, Polish and silkies. I will have some Black copper marans also, for the mixed up laying flock. With a marans rooster overseeing all of the hens including some marans, I will get some pure marans to. Their dark eggs will stick out.

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