Setting eggs on Wednesday June 29

Hey folks don't let your hearts be troubled. I talked to a good friend of mine a week or so ago and we were talking about the hatchings this year and he told me that he took 60 + eggs to a friend of his who has one of the big cabinet incubators. This guy usually has a 90+% rate on his hatches. This year they have all been way down. Of these 60+ eggs, they only got like 23 chicks. Some dead in shells without even pipping others pipped and went no farther. If you've been on my site, you will see that I've dealt with some of the bigger breeders of rare/heritage birds and all that I've talked to have had problems with this years hatches. I just got an e-mail from a lady that I've had RIR's ordered for a couple of months now and she has set eggs twice for me and neither time did she get enough to send my order. I told her not to worry, it is so hot right now out in the mid western states that the PO's aren't shipping chicks now. I'm in Pa and our weather has been so unpredictable this year. I know this is my last hatch for this year. I have a trio of drop dead gorgeous juvenile Barred Plymouth Rocks paid for that are to be here this fall and those are the ones that I'm really wanting to work on next year so as soon as they are old enough to start laying I'll be setting their eggs. I have only two right now out of 14 hatched (due tomorrow), I'll leave them until Friday then see what I end up with. After all the weird things I've heard from some of the bigger breeders this year, I'm thankful for whatever I get. Hang in there all, things will get better and it could always be a lot worse.
I agree from what I have been hearing 50% is a good hatch rate this year even for eggs you don't ship. I am finding it funny though I have one batch of shipped eggs that already has more than 50% pipped and another that was 80% infertile. not sure what to make of that just seems all over the board.
Ooh so glad it's finally hatching!! It's going to be a long night between your hatch and mine lol.

I am doing double duty between the computer and the incubator myself. I have 8 pipped on my shipped Brahmas and my 6th barn mix is hatching as we speak. I had to move the 3rd to the brooder. So if they all hatch that will take my total to 15 we are getting better ratios as we speak.
It's 6:11am here right now lol. I've been up since 5, and also got up just gone midnight, again around 2, then at 4 to check.
It's like opening a Kinder surprise, this one. I'd - cheated - and seen a photo of Sebright chicks, so I knew what to expect, but I've never seen Friesian chicks before, so it was a guess what colour they'll turn out to be. This one looks a lovely gold :)

Where have you placed your incubator? As I work from home, I wasn't going to have it anywhere but the study where I can quicky glance at the dials and listen out for peeping/cracking! The brooder's also in here, so it's getting quite cramped lol, but very cosy.

This little fellow is taking it's time coming out... grrr... I'd have liked to get a couple more hours sleep before getting up for work!
My office is too small for an incubator so it's in my dining room inside my green house to cut down drafts lol. Don't really need to worry about that now. My brooder is in there too. It's about 1:25 am here but no sleeping the peeps are too loud anyway so I will be watching them hatch and chatting.

Your eggs hatch like mine. Pip then wait 4 hours then a little more to tease then take a break lol it's driving me crazy I have 8 pips right now and more rockers on top of that they really do like to hear the other chicks make noise can't wait to see the final total.
It's 6:20am for me and still no baby. I checked on them throughout the night and heard an occasional peep. I have class today.
I hate being away.
Hopefully, by the time you get home, there'll be some progress to report. It's when you hang around the incubator that nothin seems to happen.

I've been trying to find things to keep the first two chicks out of mischief. I keep hearing yelps of pain as one grabs the other's toe and pulls. They're like kids... I find myself shouting "Don't!" and "Stop it!" non stop.

Any baby Brahmas out yet, Lily? I'd love to see a pic of one (or more) when they're fluffed up.
Hopefully, by the time you get home, there'll be some progress to report. It's when you hang around the incubator that nothin seems to happen.

I've been trying to find things to keep the first two chicks out of mischief. I keep hearing yelps of pain as one grabs the other's toe and pulls. They're like kids... I find myself shouting "Don't!" and "Stop it!" non stop.

Any baby Brahmas out yet, Lily? I'd love to see a pic of one (or more) when they're fluffed up.

Hey Time Out, you sound like me. I'm constantly talking to mine saying "you'd better leave your brother/sister alone or you'll be sorry later on. lol They really are like kids. I have 24 in a 3 x 6 ft play pen in my basement that are about 4 weeks old and there is one black copper maran and when you say ruling the roost, this one sure does.
Hopefully, by the time you get home, there'll be some progress to report. It's when you hang around the incubator that nothin seems to happen.

I've been trying to find things to keep the first two chicks out of mischief. I keep hearing yelps of pain as one grabs the other's toe and pulls. They're like kids... I find myself shouting "Don't!" and "Stop it!" non stop.

Any baby Brahmas out yet, Lily? I'd love to see a pic of one (or more) when they're fluffed up.

Right now I have 8 in the brooder. I gave up leaving them in the incubator they kept trying to fry themselves on the heating elements. They can't even walk but boy can they jump and get around. So far 6 Barn mixes are out and in the incubator. Another is zipping right now and three more to go.

I have 4 Brahmas out two still drying in the incubator and another one zipping with 3 more to go. But I have to keep reminding myself that it's only day 20 for these guys and day 21 for the others so they still have a bunch of time and anything can happen so the ones that haven't done anything might still hatch who knows.

No Dellys yet which makes me so sad. I really wanted to get a least a few. Maybe they are late bloomers. The fertility of the rest of that group kind of makes me doubt it though.

Here are a few pictures of the fuzz buckets in the brooder.




Love this little guy

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