Setting eggs on Wednesday June 29

Now, remember how little I actually know about chickens lol... Are those in the photos the barn mixes, meaning they're not pure breeds, but layers/meat/dual purpose birds?

The little black dude looks like she's missing a toe!

Jim, I don't know how you cope with 24! Although I'd hope the bullying gets distributed more evenly. These two are as bad as each other. It's quite funny, actually, cos they do actially stop when I use a threatening tone of voice. Not sure if it sounds threatening to them, though.... as they come running!

The last one is out. How long should I leave these two in the incubator before moving them to the brooder. I know how long the CAN stay up to, but wouldn't that be silly?

Just realised... out of 4 eggs that made it to lockdown... 4 hatched!!!
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My barn mixes are going to be layers slash dual purpose birds. Not sure I will be able to tell you more when I see them grow up. They may be dinner or they may be residents hehe.

The black one is cool It's all black with black skin and black toes but it has white feathers encasing it's toe towards the inside on each foot. I am hoping to keep the best of the best for laying my meaties for next year. We will do barn mixes and Dellys if I ever get one to hatch

4 out of 4 is awesome are those eggs you had shipped or are they from your birds?

I usually move mine as soon as they are dry. If I wait much longer then they start causing problems by knocking over eggs and attacking the ones trying to hatch lol.
It seems like my hatch is winding down before all my eggs reach day 21. Some good and some bad.

Set 1 Shipped Dellys 0% hatch rate no eggs have pipped or done anything. I am leaving them in there but day 21 was done at 11am
wish some dellys had hatched

Set 2 Cochin roo over either a barred rock, austrolorp, cochin, RIR or Gold laced Wyandotte hen not sure who laid which eggs lol. 10 eggs to lockdown 7 hatched 70% hatch rate

Set 3 Shipped Brahmas 13 made it to lock down so far 8 have hatched if no more do that's 62% hatch rate but it's only day 20 for them.

Average hatching rate for the whole incubation is 44% not bad but would love it to get better so hopefully we get some more Brahmas to hatch tomorrow
Well, I just got home and I have at least six pips. Day 21 started for me at 4 p.m. so they are right on time. Lets hope they start hatching soon!
Mine was last night tonight I am hoping for peace and quiet as the little fuzzys sleep away.

Congratulations on your first baby. It's always the best part when they first start to hatch.
Okay, I'm going to try this. Here are my sweet little Silver Penciled Plymouth Rock babies from Wynette Adamson. Oh my are they ever sweeties. Gee whiz.


They are so sweet I think that's why I love incubating because the babies get attached to you and get really friendly. When I go out to the coop all my babies come a running for love and treats hehe.

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