Setting eggs the week of May 7th (Here's to wishing the best this time)!!!!!!!!!

Just added 7 Call Duck eggs & 12 Lemon Cuckoo Orp eggs to my bator.

Bator contents: 8 Assorted Silkies
7 Mixed Banties (from my own hens)
2 Saxony Ducks
2 Runner Ducks (Blue & Buff/White)
3 Americunas (Blue)
1 Partridge Rock
1 Partridge Cochin
1 BBS Cochin
12 Lemon Cuckoo Orpingtons
7 Assorted Call Ducks
Totaling 11 Ducks, 33 Chickens

Set to arrive this week: 12 Lavender Orps
12 Maran & Silkie Mixes
2 Black East Indie Ducks
2 Coronation Sussex
2 Assorted Orps

As soon as these exit the bator, I have set to ship mid June: 24 Assorted Silkies
2 Olive Eggers
2 Marans
2 Assorted Orps (may change this to another Maran & another BLRW instead)
2 Blue Laced Red Wyandottes

My coops & brooders are gonna be overflowing!!!! Gotta get some breeder pens built ASAP (can use those for grow-out pens til my breeders need them
Hi all,
I set my very first eggs on Friday the 4Th of May. I had contacted another BYC member for a dozen mixed eggs to try it out and he gave me 19 for 10.00. They are Splash Plymouth Rocks , Delawares Astrolorpe crosses , Barred rocks and Olive eggers ( I think ) . Then another member close to me had some extras from eggs she had ordered and she sold me 3 Marruna Basque, 2 Silver Laced Brahamas and one Gold laced Brahma and in the meantime I had ordered 10 polish eggs , I don't have much hope for them they were shipped out on Tuesday and arrived on Saturday so I put them in the incubator on the 6Th.
Tried to candle them but I have a crappy candler that came free with the Hovabator I got so I have another coming this week, guess I will just have to wait it out!
I'm going to candle my eggs tomorrow afternoon. I don't expect to see much in my olive egger; it's so dark. Hopefully I'll see all kinds of spiders in the others though.
Hello gang!
I set my third batch ever the night of May 6th (Sunday) as I went to bed. My two first hatches were small (5 eggs and 7 eggs respectively) and this time I am trying 20 eggs. Still trying to work out the kinks with my incubator. Second attempt I got 2 to day 18, but for some reason they didn't make it to hatch. Here's to hoping for the best this round!

Good news is I candled today, since it is day 6, and found that I have about 90% fertility rate. Only a couple eggs seemed to be totally void of anything. Everything else seemed to have the veins so I assume they are progressing normally.
Good luck on this round. What kind of incubator are you using? I have the Hovabator 1588 and have found that the temp runs a few degrees low so have to adjust it up to 102 to get the other 2 thermos to read 100. I sat 24 last time and only hatched 8 but that wasnt the incubator fault it was mine for not checking the temp better and eggs from a very young flock so a lot were not fertile.
Just added 7 Call Duck eggs & 12 Lemon Cuckoo Orp eggs to my bator.

Bator contents: 8 Assorted Silkies
7 Mixed Banties (from my own hens)
2 Saxony Ducks
2 Runner Ducks (Blue & Buff/White)
3 Americunas (Blue)
1 Partridge Rock
1 Partridge Cochin
1 BBS Cochin
12 Lemon Cuckoo Orpingtons
7 Assorted Call Ducks
Totaling 11 Ducks, 33 Chickens
WOW !!! I was getting nervous setting 48 LOL!!! Do you have any pics of your coops and breeder pens ? I would love to see them. I am going to be buying building materials soon and need some ideas. Good luck with all your hatches
Set to arrive this week: 12 Lavender Orps
12 Maran & Silkie Mixes
2 Black East Indie Ducks
2 Coronation Sussex
2 Assorted Orps

As soon as these exit the bator, I have set to ship mid June: 24 Assorted Silkies
2 Olive Eggers
2 Marans
2 Assorted Orps (may change this to another Maran & another BLRW instead)
2 Blue Laced Red Wyandottes

My coops & brooders are gonna be overflowing!!!! Gotta get some breeder pens built ASAP (can use those for grow-out pens til my breeders need them
Couldn't help myself and candled my eggs today! I'm only 3 full days in

Happy to say that all 4 show signs of development. This is just a fun hatch for me and any babies will be a bonus! I'm happy to see that my Pekin rooster is fertile and I may possibly produce a replacement for my lost pet chicken (and the biological mum) Speedy!
Couldn't help myself and candled my eggs today! I'm only 3 full days in ;)

Happy to say that all 4 show signs of development. This is just a fun hatch for me and any babies will be a bonus! I'm happy to see that my Pekin rooster is fertile and I may possibly produce a replacement for my lost pet chicken (and the biological mum) Speedy!

Yay! So happy for you!:lol:
Couldn't help myself and candled my eggs today! I'm only 3 full days in

Happy to say that all 4 show signs of development. This is just a fun hatch for me and any babies will be a bonus! I'm happy to see that my Pekin rooster is fertile and I may possibly produce a replacement for my lost pet chicken (and the biological mum) Speedy!
I have pekins too. They are precious. Glad you have development
. I candled about 15 of my 48 last night and every single one had development. So happy for everyone. Keep up the good work everyone !!!
Good luck on this round. What kind of incubator are you using? I have the Hovabator 1588 and have found that the temp runs a few degrees low so have to adjust it up to 102 to get the other 2 thermos to read 100. I sat 24 last time and only hatched 8 but that wasnt the incubator fault it was mine for not checking the temp better and eggs from a very young flock so a lot were not fertile.
I have an LG styrofoam still-air incubator. (I think it's still air anyways, since there is no fan). I'm new to chicken raising/hatching but this incubator was given to me by my brother-in-law, so I am excited to learn. I have yet to hatch a chicken, so I'm trying really hard this batch. Third time's a charm I hope! I have 8 Buff Orpington/Barred Rock mix, 7 Production Red/Barred Rock mix, and 5 Minorca eggs with a hint of Polish in them. We'll see if they hatch!

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