Setting eggs the week of May 7th (Here's to wishing the best this time)!!!!!!!!!

Ahem... I'm a bit late joining. OK, super duper late in joining, but I'm following all of you and indeed did set some wee barnyard mixes that were given to me by a friend on 5/4. All was going beautifully until DH jacked up the temp on accident the other night... now not so sure.

Please please babies, just be nicely toasty in there and not crispy........

Out of 15 BBS Eng Orps, 12 Trader Joes fert eggs, 12 Whole Foods not so fert eggs, and 10 Knotts Berry Farm rescue eggs... not one has hatched.

I kinda need it for morale if nothing else.

I love this thread! So positive!
Welcome, Jane. I hope we both have at least a few hatch! Our electricity has gone out twice now since I started incubating. I hoping for a miracle!
Hi all! As I mentioned earlier, I am doing a dry hatch. The Bator RH hovers around 48-54. Its day 4 and all the eggs have lost 1-2 grams in weight. Are they doing well? My eggs range from 56 grams to 67 grams. One egg has lost 4 grams and now weighs 60. Is it okay? This is our first experience incubating. I probably should have chosen a lighter egg. Those BCM's are difficult to candle for a first timer!:rolleyes:

I just candled the 1st 7 eggs I put in late in the evening on 5/9. So they have been there just over 5 full days. 4 are a light tan & not real easy to see into, so I didn't really expect to see anything yet. The other 3 are white & I could see quite well. They 1st had good veining & a little dark spot inside a big orangish looking spot. 2nd had the orangish spot but no recognizable veining or dark spot. 3rd had the orangish spot & a very dark spot that seemed to move a bit on it's own. 2 of these eggs had been in the fridge for 1-2 days respectively before I decided I was going to try to hatch them, so that could account for the slightly delayed development in them. Also, my "candler" wasn't of the highest quality either. It was a lamp with a 100W household bulb inside a box with a hole in the (Can't find my flashlight & a BYC member suggested this method).
I candled my eggs today.

Only one of the four of my sussex eggs is definitely viable. One looks like it is an early quitter. I'm not quite ready to call it dead, but I'll be shocked if it hatches. The brown egg is good, the blue egg is good, and the olive egg is simply way too dark to see inside, so I guess it'll have to be a surprise.

So, I'm pretty bummed that at 6 days along, I only have 3 definitely alive eggs at this point.
Chin up Sphinx. I have my fingers crossed for you! 6 days is pretty early and as you said, who knows about your olive egg!

It is good to hear that most people are having good progress so far! I'll be sooo happy if I just get one little chick out of this hatch!

Sprinkles212 - I didn't weigh my eggs before I put them in. I was going to and I wish I had of now! Gives you something else to check and record! (I love the details part). I might even get them out later on and start weighing them from here on in... I suppose it can't hurt!!

DDNONIN2016 - Do you have any pictures of your Pekins on the site that I could look at? I only have a young pair at the moment (show stock) and the poor hen is inside at the moment after a late night dog attack which has lead to a respiratory bug. I'm not happy about it at all!
I have an LG styrofoam still-air incubator. (I think it's still air anyways, since there is no fan). I'm new to chicken raising/hatching but this incubator was given to me by my brother-in-law, so I am excited to learn. I have yet to hatch a chicken, so I'm trying really hard this batch. Third time's a charm I hope! I have 8 Buff Orpington/Barred Rock mix, 7 Production Red/Barred Rock mix, and 5 Minorca eggs with a hint of Polish in them. We'll see if they hatch!
Best of luck to you !!! Love all the breeds you listed.
Lol, I have 3 dozen Silkies baking, and 18 buff laced Brahmas...... The incubator is overfolwin'
Come Thursday mine will be too. I already have 44 eggs in there, 6 more due today & 24+ due tomorrow. Several are Silkie & Mixed Banties so some eggs are small, but I also have 4 very large duck eggs in there, 7 Call Ducks (not quite so big) and at least 2 of the eggs on the way are ducks as well. Gonna hafta fire the little bator back up for the ones coming today I think since they should just fit all by themselves for a single hatch day, but the rest of my hatch is completely staggered with chicks every couple of days from May 30th to June 14th. I think the last 2 ducks will be scheduled for the 14th...if I remember right. Then I have another 36+ shipping on the 13th (24+ Silkies & another 12+ assorted Pure breeds).

I may get a day or 2 to clean my bator before the next batch

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