Setting eggs the week of May 7th (Here's to wishing the best this time)!!!!!!!!!

Good morning all !!! Just candled all 48 of my silkie eggs and discarded 7 with no development. Now I don't have to open the lid again until day 18. YAY !!! I'm using the Hovabator 1588 with auto turner and keeping my humidity around 40-50 % for the first 18 days. I would love to hear what incubators everyone is using and any tips and tricks you might share to help the rest of us. This is only my 2nd hatch. Fingers crossed for everyone, sounds like we all have development in at least some of our eggs. Come on chickeeeeees !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Considering I have FOURTEEN CHICKS in my front room, and another 8 outside, and I only started this hatch as a favor to a friend, I shouldn't be disappointed mine isn't going that well. But, I have to admit I got excited over the idea of a couple coronation sussex. I guess I'll have to hatch some of those next spring.

DDNONIN, I have a Brinsea Mini Advance. It only holds 7 eggs (which is good news/bad news), but it's super easy to use- It's basically like a crockpot- you stick the eggs in there, hit start, and then add water once or twice a week.
I was one of the people with too many eggs for the incubator. So I tried the idea of placing them on top of the ones in the turner. Last night I noticed one on the edge, and went to pick it up and move it. As I did it broke apart in my hands. I hope it doesn't contmaminate the rest of my eggs :(
When the rest of my eggs arrive tomorrow I may be stacking too. Mine is a foam bator without a turner tho so I have to do it all by hand. I have each batch of eggs marked in a different color so I can remember when to stop turning
Looks like 8 of the 10 (started with 12~ one arrived broken and one cracked) Blue Laced Red Wyandotte eggs that were shipped are growing
That doesn't mean some won't quit along the way or not hatch, but for eggs that had horribly detached air cells it is amazing! The resting for 48 hours without turning, and then an additional 4 days in the incubator without turning really helped!! The 2 BLRW eggs from my own hens are growing and I have 5 BLRW eggs under a broody (haven't candled those yet) and tomorrow I have 11 eggs (10 bantam buff Brahma + 1 bantam Mille Fleur Cochin) coming from a BYC friend in Michigan, plus I have collected a few eggs from my bantam Polish to add to this batch. Depending on how the air cells look on the shipped eggs, I will be starting these eggs in the next few days.
DDON, I have a Brinsea Mini Advance. It only holds 7 eggs (which is good news/bad news), but it's super easy to use- It's basically like a crockpot- you stick the eggs in there, hit start, and then add water once or twice a week.

Unless you are like me and have too many eggs in the Brinsea mini. I'm hand turning for now. I hope I'm doing it right!:p
I just candled all 44 eggs ranging from day 2 to day 6. Almost all had at least some type of development. I only saw 1 that looked like a bloodring & it was in 1 from 1 of my own Banty hens. Another of hers looked clear...these are the day 6 eggs. ALL 8 of my Silkies are showing development & fabulous veining (day 4) as did the mixed lot on day 4 that even included ducks. My 12 Lemon Cuckoo Orps & 7 Call Ducks on day 2 even showed signs of veining or at least the shadow of the starts of development. MY KIDS WERE FASCINATED!!!

I had a mixed lot of 3 Rosies (a BYCer's project bird) and 3 BYM arrive today with 1 BYM cracked pretty badly. I sealed it as best I could with candle wax, but have little hope for it. I'll set those tomorrow or Thursday...probably Thursday since they had such a rough trip coming clear from the other side of the country.

I have another 6+ mixed lot due tomorrow that includes Orps, Sussex & ducks, and an order of 12+ Lavender Orps. I also have a BYM order of 12+ that includes Marans & Silkies that didn't get tracking on it that SHOULD be here tomorrow as well. My mailman is building some great muscles delivering all my packages the this week & last...LOL

SO...of 33 shipped eggs so far (7 in the bator are mine & 10 were picked up at the farm...6 are resting after their trip & not in bator yet), I don't think 1 cracked egg is bad at all. A couple of my orders even came with extras which are doing great too. Now, if I have as much luck with the 30+ due tomorrow we will be doing FABULOUS!!! Plus, this is my 1st hatch ever...think it's going pretty well so far
My first hatch, with shipped bantam eggs...out of 8, two candled with veins and babies at day (day 8) one looks normal and crazy active... the other looks like twins O.O Two dark spots, and they move independently...I moved the flashlight a tiny bit, and they went east and west in the egg... GAH. Prolly not a good thing, eh? I can't imagine two babies getting to hatching age and then hatching out of that tiny egg :<
Considering I have FOURTEEN CHICKS in my front room, and another 8 outside, and I only started this hatch as a favor to a friend, I shouldn't be disappointed mine isn't going that well. But, I have to admit I got excited over the idea of a couple coronation sussex. I guess I'll have to hatch some of those next spring.

DDNONIN, I have a Brinsea Mini Advance. It only holds 7 eggs (which is good news/bad news), but it's super easy to use- It's basically like a crockpot- you stick the eggs in there, hit start, and then add water once or twice a week.

My first bator is supposed to be here Thursday. I bought a Brinsea mini advance. Do you have any advice for me? I'm going to set it up a get ready to start incubating Friday if I can round up some eggs that quick from friends and my own girls. This will be my first attempt and Im super excited to try!

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