Setting eggs the week of May 7th (Here's to wishing the best this time)!!!!!!!!!

It looks like we'll be locking down tomorrow night with 11 viable eggs.... I'm so excited. If I don't go to sleep, I'll be up all night, drinking I can do it all again tomorrow! EEEEEEEEKKKK
Out of 88 eggs I'm down to 42. Here is what's left:
2/8 of my own mixed banties
6/8 Silkies
2/3 Ameracunas
0/1 Partridge Rock
0/1 Blue Cochin (LF)
6/12 Lemon Cuckoo Orps
10/16 BYM
0/2 Coronation Sussex
1/4 Assorted Orps
6/12 Lavender Orps
0/3 Rosies (BYCer project bird)
0/3 BYM (came with the Rosies)
5/7 Call Ducks
1/2 Assorted Runner Ducks
2/2 Saxony Ducks
1/2 Black East Indie Ducks

The majority of the losses were ones that were scrambled in the mail. I eggtopsied all of the losses. A couple were infertile. A couple were early quitters. And a couple were full of bacteria growth.

The only ones I'm a bit upset about are the 2 orders that I got either NO viable eggs from or only a couple from a large order. These were the scrambled orders. I will probably contact the seller on these & see if they will replace or refund at least part of the order.

Anyway, 1 of my Banty eggs went in lockdown Saturday & is due tomorrow. 6 Silkies & 2 Ameracunas go in lockdown this afternoon. 6 Lemon Cuckoo Orps go Thursday, & the rest go the 4th, 5th & 11th with my last hatch scheduled for the 14th. Then I have more eggs shipping to start all over again.
I forgot to keep up with this thread.

I went into lockdown a bit early on Friday afternoon because we were going out of town. I am using a cheap LG still air and hand turning everything. This was hatch #4 for me (never having a successful hatch before except with a broody).

I set 9 eggs, cleared one out at Day 7 for not developing and had 8 go to the end. I dry hatched this time and got humidity up to about 65-70% right before we left. While we were gone we lost power for 12 hours!

But I came home late last night to one hatched egg and 6 pipped ones. Woke up this morning to three more hatched eggs and four pipped ones.

I now have six chicks and two pipped eggs left and today is day 21.
Hmmm, I am a bit concerned for my chick. I only have one that has pipped and is hatching, but it has been over 48 hours and it has not made very much progress. It pipped Saturday night, and starting zipping on Sunday, and here on Tuesday morning it still hasn't hatched. I'm beginning to think I may need to help the little guy, but I don't want to hurt him either. Quite a stressful process!
Since you had a number of eggs with bacterial growth, you might like to try an Oxine egg dip on your shipped eggs next time around. I have just discovered Oxine and it is a wonder solution!
I did the egg dip on my shipped bantam eggs and 10 out of 11 are growing and doing great. I also made up a gallon of Oxine solution to use in my auto humidity water tank and used it for the water wells in my hatcher. After a hatch the incubator stinks horribly, but with using the Oxine water there was NO smell !!! I also used it to clean my incubators since it kills every known kind of bacteria. And it is safe! And those are just a few of its uses!

GOOD LUCK with your hatch! Sounds like a beautiful bunch of breeds!

Here is the link that explains all of Oxine's uses:
Out of 88 eggs I'm down to 42. Here is what's left:
2/8 of my own mixed banties
6/8 Silkies
2/3 Ameracunas
0/1 Partridge Rock
0/1 Blue Cochin (LF)
6/12 Lemon Cuckoo Orps
10/16 BYM
0/2 Coronation Sussex
1/4 Assorted Orps
6/12 Lavender Orps
0/3 Rosies (BYCer project bird)
0/3 BYM (came with the Rosies)
5/7 Call Ducks
1/2 Assorted Runner Ducks
2/2 Saxony Ducks
1/2 Black East Indie Ducks

The majority of the losses were ones that were scrambled in the mail. I eggtopsied all of the losses. A couple were infertile. A couple were early quitters. And a couple were full of bacteria growth.

The only ones I'm a bit upset about are the 2 orders that I got either NO viable eggs from or only a couple from a large order. These were the scrambled orders. I will probably contact the seller on these & see if they will replace or refund at least part of the order.

Anyway, 1 of my Banty eggs went in lockdown Saturday & is due tomorrow. 6 Silkies & 2 Ameracunas go in lockdown this afternoon. 6 Lemon Cuckoo Orps go Thursday, & the rest go the 4th, 5th & 11th with my last hatch scheduled for the 14th. Then I have more eggs shipping to start all over again.
If the membrane has turned yellow instead of a nice dry, papery white, then the chick has shrink wrapped and won't be able to hatch on its own. If you open the incubator to help I would add some extra humidity (since you will loose some when opening your incubator) by adding a wet piece of sponge or paper towel. Good luck!
Hmmm, I am a bit concerned for my chick. I only have one that has pipped and is hatching, but it has been over 48 hours and it has not made very much progress. It pipped Saturday night, and starting zipping on Sunday, and here on Tuesday morning it still hasn't hatched. I'm beginning to think I may need to help the little guy, but I don't want to hurt him either. Quite a stressful process!
Last night I checked the eggs under my broody hen and found a chick that was not in good shape.
It had not absorbed all of the yoke and it was still attached to a very thin, crushed shell, plus it was getting squished! I had to remove it and put it in the incubator with the other eggs I am incubating. It looks like the egg got crushed and the chick had to hatch too early. I really didn't think it was going to make it but this morning it is doing fine! It looks like the "blue" color of BLRW. The other 7 BLRW eggs (2 more under the broody and 5 in the incubator) haven't pipped yet. It is day 20 for them. I am hoping to see pips by this afternoon
Hmmm, I am a bit concerned for my chick. I only have one that has pipped and is hatching, but it has been over 48 hours and it has not made very much progress. It pipped Saturday night, and starting zipping on Sunday, and here on Tuesday morning it still hasn't hatched. I'm beginning to think I may need to help the little guy, but I don't want to hurt him either. Quite a stressful process!
If it's been 48 hours, I would definitely try helping it out a little. Start by peeling just the eggshell away, leaving the membrane. If you're careful, it's possible. You can also look at the membrane to see if any veins are still active. I'd also use a damp paper towel to moisten the membrane, but be careful not to drip any water inside, don't want to drown them.

Two of my eggs have pipped!!!

The olive egg, that I never could see into, and just hoped was growing.

And the brown egg, that's a barnvelder, or lakenvelder or welsummer (I can't remember what Suzie told me).

The coronation sussex hasn't pipped yet, but 21 days doesn't hit til 3 or 4 today.
Since you had a number of eggs with bacterial growth, you might like to try an Oxine egg dip on your shipped eggs next time around. I have just discovered Oxine and it is a wonder solution!
I did the egg dip on my shipped bantam eggs and 10 out of 11 are growing and doing great. I also made up a gallon of Oxine solution to use in my auto humidity water tank and used it for the water wells in my hatcher. After a hatch the incubator stinks horribly, but with using the Oxine water there was NO smell !!! I also used it to clean my incubators since it kills every known kind of bacteria. And it is safe! And those are just a few of its uses!

GOOD LUCK with your hatch! Sounds like a beautiful bunch of breeds!

Here is the link that explains all of Oxine's uses:
Most of the ones with bacteria growth were from the same batch & I assume it's cuz they washed the eggs. They were spotless. All of my others that had a bit of dirt are doing fine.

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