Setting eggs the week of May 7th (Here's to wishing the best this time)!!!!!!!!!

I'll load pictures in a bit, but so far 4 Buff Laced Brahmas, 3 Gold Laced, and 6 or 7 Silkies with more coming. If the first one hatched yesterday when should I take them out and brood them? I am worriedd about shrink wrapping the ones that are still in there, but it's getting to be a tight fit and I don't want to starve/thirst the first one to sickness.
The chicks should be good for 48 hours. That is how long the yoke feeds them.

You've got a bunch of cuties there!

I'll load pictures in a bit, but so far 4 Buff Laced Brahmas, 3 Gold Laced, and 6 or 7 Silkies with more coming. If the first one hatched yesterday when should I take them out and brood them? I am worriedd about shrink wrapping the ones that are still in there, but it's getting to be a tight fit and I don't want to starve/thirst the first one to sickness.
To my amazement, I returned home from work and just checked on my chick, only to find that he/she is still alive!
It is also not so... exhausted looking, for lack of a better word.

However, I notice that parts of him, especially the wings, seem very, VERY dry, almost crispy and stuff. Any advice on how to fix this? Can I just soak the poor thing's wings in hot water to soften them up?
I actually gave my little guys I had to peel out of the egg a warm water bath to get all the gummy stuff off, One has such a damaged leg he did not make it the other had one foot that curled under and he is great, I would not hesitate to give a bath and get them right back in the brooder! I am sure it saved my little guy.
That's wonderful!
I have saved many a shrink wrapped chick, even one that didn't even pip! I discovered it while doing an egg-topsy
The sticky stuff is hardened egg white, so it is best to run its wings under warm water gently rubbing with your fingers to dissolve the goo. New chicks are so delicate that you need to be extra gentle. Hope this helps
I agree running warm water worked great!
Here is a picture of my broody black laced red Wyandotte hen with 3 of the chicks. She hatched 2 and one I hatched in the incubator. I have two more in the brooder I hatched waiting to fluff up before I give them to the hen. When they chicks got hungry and left the nest, mom deserted the two eggs that hadn't hatched. I took them and put them in the incubator. I then candled them and found that one was no good but the other has a chick in it. The thing is the chick I saw is NOT of the same age as the others, which means a sneaky hen laid her egg in with the broody along the way and I assumed it was hers
I think it is about 3 days behind the others by the size of it. I will just have to wait and see.


Stevearino, it sounds like you are doing a great job with that poor chick. When I get crispy chicks like that, I get warm running water going in the sink (have it in the high 80s or so), and I carefully give the chick a shower. You have to be so, so careful that you don't get any in its' mouth or on its' beak, but it will really help it fluff up.

The membrane on Chloe, my final egg, was getting really tough and dry, so I finally helped her hatch tonight, about 30 hours after pip. She did have about 2-3 drops of blood, so I really regretted it. but, at this point, she appears to be running laps around the incubator, so I'm hoping she'll be fine.

Here's Emily. She came from a super dark olive egg. I totally expected this chick to be black, so I'm still shocked. LOL

Not a great shot, but here's Shirley, the first out. Not sure on breed for him (the legs are tree trunk thick, so much as I WANT for it to be a girl, I dunno...). Coloring looks like a marans, but the legs are clean and pink.
OMG just way too cute!

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