Setting eggs the week of May 7th (Here's to wishing the best this time)!!!!!!!!!

Thank-you, and yours is as cute as can be!

The egg the broody abandoned hatched about an hour ago
Looks like a big, blue laced red rooster.

Chickee, your little ones are just darling!
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when I left this morning for work we had 7 1/2 chicks out. (the half is only 80% zipped.....) 2 beautiful blue Marans, 2 BCM, 1 Lemon Blue Cochin, and waiting to see the colors exactly on the 2 English ORps but wow.... lovely.
I may have one more. Fingers are crossed. One egg is rocking and it is day 22. Hoping for another little guy or gal.
The first we named in Lone Ranger...since it's the only one that hatched so far. He is in with all the Blue and Black Ameraucana chicks that hatched on Wednesday. He looks very similar except he's the one with the feathered legs.
I have 5 hatched & 3 that were DIS. Lost 3 of my 6 Silkies. Both Ameraucunas hatched. Having a bit of a problem with shrink wrap cuz my 5 yr old keeps opening the bator to see cuz he's not tall enuf to see in the top. Grrrrrrrrrrr!!!!

Weird thing is, 3 of the Silkies have PINK skin & beaks (1 that survived & 2 that were DIS) & the other 3 have perfect Silkie coloring (2 survived, 1 DIS). Both of my Ameraucunas are beautiful silver/blue colored.

I have 6 Lemon Cuckoo Orps in lockdown. Candled all & all are wigglers. So hopefully when I get back from picking up 7 more 4-6 month old Silkies (5 are SQ) 3 1/2 hours away tomorrow morning I will have more babies waiting for me.

I will try to get pix once the last 3 that just hatched finish fluffing
Looks like your chick has splayed legs and that is why it can't stand. Use some non stick tape (blue painters tape) and wrap it around each leg connecting them. This will pull the legs together and he will be able to stand. I have never had to do this so I don't have a picture to show you, but you should be able to find info online on how to do it with pictures. Good luck with the little guy!

Hey stevearino have you been in lately? This advice from chickee was great! I hope you haven't missed it and your little one is still going strong!
Please excuse my large picture files.... but here goes....

this is truly a dream come true.... Thank you everyone for your words of wisdom! Yay yay yaaaaay!

I've got two English Orps that are having a tough time keeping up with the others and the Cochin is suddenly a bully. Well, we're doing what we can and loving all the peeping! Still have two Marans eggs without a pip, and an Ameracauna egg without anything either.... but for Pete's sake,, it's only day 21! What a huge triumph this is. Ummmmmmm, we'll cool things down a wee bit next time.
I may have one more. Fingers are crossed. One egg is rocking and it is day 22. Hoping for another little guy or gal.
The first we named in Lone Ranger...since it's the only one that hatched so far. He is in with all the Blue and Black Ameraucana chicks that hatched on Wednesday. He looks very similar except he's the one with the feathered legs.
Go get em..... Ummmmmm, I'm assuming the next will be Tonto?
Please excuse my large picture files.... but here goes....

They are all beautiful. Congratulations!
this is truly a dream come true.... Thank you everyone for your words of wisdom! Yay yay yaaaaay!

I've got two English Orps that are having a tough time keeping up with the others and the Cochin is suddenly a bully. Well, we're doing what we can and loving all the peeping! Still have two Marans eggs without a pip, and an Ameracauna egg without anything either.... but for Pete's sake,, it's only day 21! What a huge triumph this is. Ummmmmmm, we'll cool things down a wee bit next time.

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