Setting Eggs Tomorrow 06-29-11/07-08-11 set 17 Any buddies???

Hehe chicken math works on eggs too
I have to laugh, because really, it's all I can do at this point. The last wind storm we had knocked a tree into our power line, which caused some sort of a surge and fried our air conditioner. The guy was finally able to come yesterday to get the new one installed, complete with new digital wall control. What we didn't realize, was this fancy new wall controll had preset temps entered for various times of the day. After 10 p.m. it's set for 82 degrees. I woke up this morning wondering why it was so warm in the house, and went down to look at the incubator to see the temp at 104! No idea how long it was there. So this is deja vu all over again, as this happened to me with my first hatch (the temp spiking, not the air conditioner situation). It's too soon to really tell if the little guys are developing, so I'll give it a few more days and then try to candle and few and see where we are at.
I have 6 in the bator first time's a still air was what was available to us. So far it's holding temps pretty well, having a hard time with the humidity getting up. Hoping that before they are due we can have a wine fridge converted..then switch them to that and hatch out in the styrofoam LG.

Anyways I have a staggered batch 3 due the 18th and 3 due the 20th. (and still collecting eggs LOL) They are bantam Cochins, my frizzled is the roo and my blue cochin is the hen.
very excited about possible blue frizzles!!
Tell me about it. I have one that has been pipped for 14 hours, meanwhile 2 other babies have pipped and hatched! I'm very impatient

Lol I wish I were that close to hatching we are only on day 1 and 2 here. It's going to be a while before hatching.
Nice mine is holding between99.3 and 99.7 right now lol but I am sure it will go up a bit once it's 90 out again

It's up to 101 now that its 113 out lol.. Which isnt bad for a still air... But I am glad that I ordered the other eggs!!!
I set 21 BLRW eggs last night. Shipped eggs so fingers are crossed. I candled all before setting them and a few have detached air cells but I put them in anyway. I have a backyard full of BLRW young roosters so I am really hoping for some hens.

Anyone else hatching out a lot of roosters?

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