setting eggs tonight 6/23 anyone else???

I had not thought of nail polish. I have read of others attempting to seal the cracks.
This is the second try with the split black orpington eggs. The first time around they got scrambled in the mail. What kind are you setting?

One dozen are black/blue/splash Ameraucanas.. the other dozen are black/blue/splash Orpingtons .. these are my first shipped eggs.. so I'm hoping none are scrambled too

You should have some beautiful chicks!!
Well with the Hens that laid these eggs the GC hens I should say will be retired in a few months. Plan on them being done with egg production this fall. SO if I get lucky and hatch some I will used the chicks as the replacements for spring eggs.

And good luck all
I'll be setting 22 or so Friday night or Saturday morning. We ordered some silkie and showgirl eggs for my daughter's 4H project. I've incubated turtle eggs before, but this is the first show with chickens.
6:23! My lucky number. I wish I could lol but my roosters are on "hiatus". Hmmm. i think I have some quail?

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