setting eggs tonight 6/23 anyone else???

I pulled those three from the bator as they were kicking everyone else around and making too big a rucous. I think they killed our #8 egg - he hasn't moved in awhile.
Well have 2 Chicks out of the hatch 3 that hatched Had a misshap with the humidty tray and poor lil one drown. The joys of a homemade bator I know know I need to cover it with wire.
As promised here is a pic of our day old White Leghorns - 3 born around 11am and 3 born around 11 pm


Sadly we are down to only 5 now - one expired on her 4th day.

Here's a pic of them today at 5 days old.
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Congrats to everyone that has new chicks
I'm still waiting on mine. I know I still have some alive because I've seen a couple of them move. Hatch day should be Wednesday afternoon
I have a chick! From the second one to pip. Should have at least two more in a few hours. The last two eggs are not showing any signs of life...

First egg to pip

First chick


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