Setting Eggs tonight, May 1st. . . anyone else??

I think most of us are using a flashlight or a light bulb in a box with a hole in a box for the light to shine through.

Good luck with your hatch!!
All 12 of my Ameraucana eggs have veins on day 8! And most of my Orps do too! Here's hoping for a good hatch! Did anyone else candle recently?
I did, but not having as much success as you. Congrats! I cant seem to stop myself when it comes to candling...
Out of 17 total, I have clear veining on 9, and 3 maybe's. They are jersey eggs that came all the way from Florida, so I'm pretty darn happy to have 9 for sures!!

I'm gonna let the rest sit till day 14 or so before I start crackin open the ones that are suspiciuosly clear right now. I'm getting excited!!!!!

Good luck!
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How often do you candle? I do it every other day. I'm sure I shouldn't do it that much, but I can't help it. I threw out 2 tonight that were completely clear. I'm hoping the rest make it all the way. Good luck to you and your eggs!
So far, I have done the same as you, every other day. It was nice to see development! I opened 5 that were clear, and of those, one was scrambled, just all the yolk and white run together, and the rest didnt even look fertile (no bullseye, no development) I left 3 'possibles' in there I'll let sit a few more days, just in case.

I'm going to try super hard to just leave them alone for the next 3 days so the new babies can get good and strong before I pick them up again. Gonna be tough, but I have 2 eggs in the hatcher that are due the 9th, and the 10th! Both looking good and rocking around in there. One is a mixed breed egg and one is an experimental pullet egg from my Jersey Giant flock. I'm worried about the pullet egg because it is so small, but we'll see.

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