Setting Feb 16, want to join in>Hatch-Along

I just set 28 in my second bator last night so technically, today is day one for those. I pulled 12 from my own coop (6 EE/BO or BR and 6 other mutt's or possible BR's) and then I have 16 Wheaten/Blue Wheaten's that I ordered. My group is the "control" group and the others are the experimental group......

I just went into lockdown with 22 of my own barnyard mix too - I had to pull one that died in the last 48 hours - it was losing a lot more weight than everyone else and he was shrink wrapped. It looked like he was a pure hoo! Hopefully I have a decent hatch - some of the eggs haven't lost a lot of weight (10% or so) so I am nervous - even though I kept my humidity low the whole time......

I have more OE's and Maran's coming next week to set too.....which is why I am building a 3rd incubator today. :) I think this might be a sickness.
I started on the morning of the15th and want to join in too:) We set 20 B/B/S Orpington eggs and 2 mutt eggs that my daughter and I picked out randomly from our mixed flock. We love surprises:)
I'd like to join please....
New hatcher here, I set 20 mixed of my own 2/14=10, 2/15=08, 2/16=02
I failed two eggs last month on my first try. One chick was mostly develpoed though bottom of stomach was opened????
The other chick was the size of a quater very small. My fault i'msure. I did not have water in the bator till lockdown. I had no humidity gauge. Running still air and the glass themo that came with the bator. Though after alot of reading I have learned alot and hope to improve my hatching skills.
Im using a LG with a turner and a cpu fan I just installed last night. I have 3 seperate gauges for both humidity and temp. bottom, middle and top of eggs. I have the dish of water and the sponge. I'm running a constant temp of 100.3 humidity is 20 - 45% shooting for 35% but it is difficult to keep.
Could i or should I do anything else before its too late?
Can I join if I just "set" five eggs under my suddenly broody house Silkie? She has only lived with me for two weeks, so I don't know how reliable an incubator she'll be...

I took her three non-fertile eggs and replaced them with five from my flock. Actually, I just put them into the brooder bin near her - she tucked each one underneath her body and repositioned herself.
Add me too! I set some yesterday, th 15th, 7 Blue Laced Red Wyandottes and 1 dozen Buff Orpington, plus 2 Silkie and 5 Belgian Quail D'Anvers.

I have 16 Belgian Quail due to hatch on the 24th also.

I wanted to tell Pcreel that setting eggs on different days is not a real good idea.
Unless you have another incubator handy for lockdown and then it won't be locked down if you have to open it to add more may have created a problem for yourself.

Also do exactly what the manufacturer says as far as temp and humidity, 45% is a good number for the humidity usually.

Better to save the eggs if they are just a few days old and set all at once.

My 16 due to hatch were from a total of 16 that I set on the 4th, ALL were fertile and still doing great.

I ordered a new Genesis 1588, the new kind with the good read out on lid and was anxious to try it. I bought the BLRW eggs and the Buff Orpingtons and then threw in some of my own just as a check reference, I KNOW they are fertile and will hatch.
So I'm anxious for the new chicks and also anxious to test this new bator at the same time.
I bought a incubator for my daughter for valentines day and just set a dozen eggs today. They are just Isa Brown/Red Stars/sexlinks. Only fertile eggs I could find near me, the chicks will be cute either way. First year trying to hatch, usually we get some from the feedstore. We had a broody hen the last two years but no luck.

I set 30 eggs this morning. The whites are from my leghorns, the large brown/red eggs are from my welsummer and the smaller brown are from either my buff orpington, speckled Sussex or Barred Rock.
I set 20 eggs on the 15th, and five on the 16th. I have seven Basques, six cream legbars, seven EEs (possibly lav ams), and seven Silkies. Here they are. I thought I had only 25, but just recounted. 27 total, lol. The Silkies may not be fertile, but we'll know when I candle next week. Half were shipped eggs.

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