Setting in next two days


12 Years
Jul 15, 2010
Danvers, Massachusetts
Bought some bunnies to raise and the farmers wife gave me a dozen eggs and a pound of honey. When I got home I called and asked if the eggs were from that day or were refrigerated. Was told they were collected that AM so after settling a day into the incubator they will go . Eggs are half brown eggs and half green. Hope to get a few free chicks out of this gift. Thank you Dan and wife. (And yes they have three roos so eggs will be fertile. )
Day 4 I checked the temp and it had climbed to 104 . Adjusted and it is now 99 but I have little hope my eggs survived the spike.
Will continue to incubate but will need to wait until I can candle to confirm live chicks.
Keep a good thought . The moderators moved me from hatching forum to stories of my chickens so don't know if anybody will find me. Any words of encouragement cheerfully accepted.
Encouraging news - checked the bator and can hear chirps coming from the eggs. No hatching efforts at this time but not a total train wreck like I expected after the temp spike on day 4 . Will let you know how many bust out . Thanks for the encouragement Drumstick diva and PenguPen . Hatch day is not until tomorrow anyway .
PenguPen what is the story on the eggs you said are on day three ? Home grown or shipped ? Barnyard mix or purebreds ? Keep us informed as we wait for something to happen in the bators. You must be at day 6 now. Anything to share ? Please no disaster tales....
Homegrown eggs, farmyard mix. From a lady I work with. Ive gotten eggs from her before but they hadn’t been chilled. Out of the dozen I got from her 5 hatched and one was an early quitter. So not to shabby of fertilazation

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