Setting some eggs 5-13-15. Looking for some folks to hatch a long with me.

I took all the rails out of the tray and got 29 in, standing fat end up. This afternoon I'll peek at some air cells and decide whether to turn on the turner or wait 1 more day.
Hello everyone! I'll be setting eggs on Tuesday, May 19th. Eggs are shipping out on Monday, so I should have them the next morning. 10+ mixed color silkie eggs from Garry Farm, GA. Just got done with my first incubation & hatch ever! I have 2 beautiful baby chicks out of 6 shipped eggs. I'm loving them to pieces and can't wait to get some more siblings for them! I'm using the Brinsea Mini Eco. I love it so far. It's great for viewing and even being able to candle during lockdown without opening it. I laughed when the OP said her co-workers didnt want to hear about it, because everyone in the family is getting pretty sick of hearing me talk about incubating & chickens all the time!! Good luck to everyone!!
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Glad to see even more people joining with us. My turkey eggs are just sitting in there hopefully doing their thing. Temps are nice and steady and everything looks good. I got worried about my humidity being too low, it's been reading 16% percent since I set the eggs. I splashed some water in there just to check and it shot right up to 50%. I guess when I do my day 10 candling I'll see how the air cells look and add some water if I think they need it.
I have 15 chicken eggs collected so far, and still will pick up what they lay tomorrow and Monday, and add them all Monday night. After that every Friday and Monday through the end of the month will be a candling day.
Hope everybody's hatches are going along fine. It's all I can do to keep myself from "spot checking'... but since these turkey eggs were shipped I'm really trying not to disturb them anymore than I have to.
I've walked in and out of the room several times, thinking I should candle to check air cells. But if I really want them to stabilize, I need to LEAVE THEM ALONE! Tomorrow (day 3) I'll start the turner and hope for the best.
Hi everyone, I set 15 mixed bantam on Friday 15th May after having a complete fail on 13 eggs, hope I have better luck this time. Goodluck to everyone.
Ok, so, If I set on the evening of May 14th then this evening would make day 3? or 4? And is anyone else itching to candle? I screwed up 15 duck eggs last time :( thermometer was off so when it read 100 it was more like 115 -_-...
Ok, so, If I set on the evening of May 14th then this evening would make day 3? or 4? And is anyone else itching to candle? I screwed up 15 duck eggs last time :( thermometer was off so when it read 100 it was more like 115 -_-...
I candled my last batch on day 4 or 5 and I could see the veining and little babies moving!! Just be really gently while candling. I'm not sure which incubator you're using but I've learned to candle without evening lifting my eggs up! I just shine the light, right up to the air cell while they are in the incubator.
So, I partially caved in last night and I'm glad I did. I don't have any white eggs in this batch but I decided to candle my two duck eggs. Well, I goofed and set an egg that wasn't supposed to be set. One of my demon chickens has an egg breaking issue and had taken a teeny tiny chip out of this duck egg. I'm not sure how I grabbed the chipped egg by mistake but the little dude has veins! I'm about to nail polish him now so cross your fingers for him/her!
So, I partially caved in last night and I'm glad I did. I don't have any white eggs in this batch but I decided to candle my two duck eggs. Well, I goofed and set an egg that wasn't supposed to be set. One of my demon chickens has an egg breaking issue and had taken a teeny tiny chip out of this duck egg. I'm not sure how I grabbed the chipped egg by mistake but the little dude has veins! I'm about to nail polish him now so cross your fingers for him/her!
I really hope he makes it!!! I would try candle wax over the chemicals in nail polish, IMO. Really pulling for him! Ps. My neighbors duck eggs hatched in the nest in the front yard and I just held one, convinced that baby ducks are the cutest thing I have EVER seen in my life!

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