Setting some eggs 5-13-15. Looking for some folks to hatch a long with me.

Hi Everyone, I candled day 10 and I have 6 live and kicking little embryo,s
I have discarded the rest,as the remaining 7 wasn't doing anything so here's fingers crossed
I get some chicks this time. Hope everybody is having good results so far, mine are due to hatch 6th June, is anyone else due on that date it's getting exciting. I,m now on day 11 doesn't time fly when your having fun
Hi Everyone, I candled day 10 and I have 6 live and kicking little embryo,s
I have discarded the rest,as the remaining 7 wasn't doing anything so here's fingers crossed
I get some chicks this time. Hope everybody is having good results so far, mine are due to hatch 6th June, is anyone else due on that date it's getting exciting. I,m now on day 11 doesn't time fly when your having fun
Mine are due to hatch June 8th. Started with 8 eggs (4 brabanter, 4 dominique) The 4 dominique are still kicking, tossed one brabanter, one is kicking and the other 2 are on watch. I love hatching, don't you?
Hi I have only hatched a couple of times, my incubator has been made by my husband . It,s a plastic box with a light and a base made of a wood frame with chicken wire so there is room underneath to put water for the humidity. I have had some hatches with it but I would like to get a shop bought incubator so I don,t have to worry to much about the temp and humidity. The hatch failures I have had have been through posted eggs I have have bought from eBay.I have 7 mixed hens 3 of which I hatched myself I just want a few to add to my flock a bit more variety in color, can,t wait to see if any hatch and what colors they will be.
I should also have some hatching around June 6th.
After I did my day 10 candling on my turkeys I realized I was actually running a little too cold, so Increased my temp and got that in check, but I'm afraid the damage was already done. I have one turkey egg that looks good and a couple that are questionable, but I'm watching them all. I have 6 still in the bator.
Of the 21 eggs from my flock I set, 7 were not fertile, 6 I can't see in but the air cell looks to be growing, and 8 look good to go.
So I guess I have some good and bad. I'm not going to get the turkey flock I wanted, but I am going to get to expand my chicken flock and see my first results of selective breeding of the parent stock.
I hope everyone else's set is doing ok. Should be some fuzzy butt pics coming soon.
Yesterday I did my first weigh-in on my 41 eggs. The goal is to use weight loss as a guide to humidity levels. Day 0 my humidity was 64%, day 1 and 2 it was 50%, and day 3 it was 42%. The ideal weight loss for day 3 is 1.9%, and I averaged 1.5% loss. Considering I only have a scale that gives me grams, I figure I am close enough. I'm sticking with the 42% for now to see if I get closer to the ideal loss of 3.1% tomorrow.

I got my Ova Scope High Intensity on Monday; I tell you, that thing is amazing. Nothing to look at right now, but it sure lights up the entire egg, even my darker brown ones. I'm so anxious to see what will be there on day 7.
Yesterday I did my first weigh-in on my 41 eggs. The goal is to use weight loss as a guide to humidity levels. Day 0 my humidity was 64%, day 1 and 2 it was 50%, and day 3 it was 42%. The ideal weight loss for day 3 is 1.9%, and I averaged 1.5% loss. Considering I only have a scale that gives me grams, I figure I am close enough. I'm sticking with the 42% for now to see if I get closer to the ideal loss of 3.1% tomorrow.

I got my Ova Scope High Intensity on Monday; I tell you, that thing is amazing. Nothing to look at right now, but it sure lights up the entire egg, even my darker brown ones. I'm so anxious to see what will be there on day 7.
Today is day 7 for me. I'm going to weigh my eggs today. I try to keep humidity at 35% but that's been a challenge. I have NO water in the incubator and I've been running in the 40's. even went up to 50% yesterday. I was wondering if the Ova Scope was any good! I love the flashlight I have but you can set the egg down on the Ova scope, right? Would be great for taking pics! Good luck with the hatch! I may write you later after weighing. :)
Set my first incubator on the 2oth with a few goose eggs but they don't appear to be viable at day 7 candling, added ducks a couple days later after some beast ate the ducks nest they were brooding, they are on day 5 and 2 outta 5 at least look good, one questionable and one that is only on day 2 so didn't candle it yet hopefully have a few hatch next month :)

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