Setting some eggs 5-13-15. Looking for some folks to hatch a long with me.

DAY 15!!!!! So far it looks like everyone if still kicking away! I brought home a little duck from the feed store the other day and he's to tiny for the bigger babies I have so hopefully he can hang on a week for some chicky friends! And then in two more weeks (ARGH!!) he can hopefully have another little duckie buddy!
Hi Everyone, I,m on day 14 today so will be candling later on tonight when it,s dark. Hope everyone's eggs are doing well
, it won,t be long now
So I am on day 6, and wasn't planning to do anything today, but after Ruby's pics, I just wanted to see if you could see veining on day 6. I candled 8 eggs, and only saw veins on one. I cannot imagine things are going to change that dramatically tomorrow (day 7), so I'm definitely leaning towards a day 10 candling to determine viability. Regardless, I am weighing and candling all tomorrow...since that was my plan...;-] Did I say I was being data driven?
So I've got 5 turkey eggs still going but I only feel good about 2 of them, and of the 21 chicken eggs I set I have 14 still going. 7 were clear so I tossed them, I have 5 I can't see in, and 9 look good. I guess I'm expecting around 12 fuzzies, but we'll just have to wait and see. Lockdown is a week away.
I have two confirmed duck eggs that look viable, one mix if rouen and black swede and one pure rouen. The other 3 that were put in at the same time show no veins yet on day 8 so not much hope for them, added 2 more yesterday that my ducks layed. Now that I am putting my dog outside with them at night and the predator is being driven away hopefully they will get back to regular laying again. They were setting on two nest of eggs when some nasty critter stole them all :( The goose eggs do not appear viable at all. I will give them 2 more days but have little hope that they were viable as they were the first eggs of her season and those are usually not fertile. Ah well, hopefully the two duck eggs that look good will both hatch
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So I am on day 6, and wasn't planning to do anything today, but after Ruby's pics, I just wanted to see if you could see veining on day 6. I candled 8 eggs, and only saw veins on one. I cannot imagine things are going to change that dramatically tomorrow (day 7), so I'm definitely leaning towards a day 10 candling to determine viability. Regardless, I am weighing and candling all tomorrow...since that was my plan...;-] Did I say I was being data driven?
What color are the eggs you set? First, let me say that egg that I posted the pic of, is the exception, not the norm for me. That egg is see-through! I took a video last night because I am blown away...I can clearly see the embryo moving all around in there...I can see it "breathing"'s an abnormally transparent egg. What has been normal for me is to see veining by day 4 on all viable eggs. They are cream colored to very light brown eggs. I already pulled my infertile because I can tell now from the experience of last time that they are clear. For me, whats going on by day 4 is what the lockdown outcome will be. Keep me posted on what your official day 7 candling outcome will be. Are you going to trace the air cells with pencil?
What color are the eggs you set? First, let me say that egg that I posted the pic of, is the exception, not the norm for me. That egg is see-through! I took a video last night because I am blown away...I can clearly see the embryo moving all around in there...I can see it "breathing"'s an abnormally transparent egg. What has been normal for me is to see veining by day 4 on all viable eggs. They are cream colored to very light brown eggs. I already pulled my infertile because I can tell now from the experience of last time that they are clear. For me, whats going on by day 4 is what the lockdown outcome will be. Keep me posted on what your official day 7 candling outcome will be. Are you going to trace the air cells with pencil?

Well, my official day 7 candling is, confusing...
All of my eggs are brown, some are speckled brown (like maran eggs can be).

Weight loss on average is 4.0%, ideal weight loss is 4.3%, so I'm good. All eggs have lost some weight, my least is 1.5%, my most (which is also my smallest egg) is 12.1%.

29.25% of my eggs are confirmed viable today (that's 12 of 41).

I say candling is confusing because I don't understand what I am seeing. I candle with the air sac up, but what the Ova Scope High Intensity gives me is a bright bottom and a dark top. IOWs, it looks like the air sac is on the bottom. I don't understand the picture. All the veining I have seen is in the upper part.

The right side of the picture is the pointy end of the egg. So, you can see why I'm confused.

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