setting up my first coop

I dont know how to build my own coop plus the mesh is so expensive it would cost so much more then that one we found hence why we liked it i would lnt even know were to start
That coop you are looking at might work out great for you. If possible I would get the coop before you get your chicks just to get an idea of how many chickens it will actually hold.
If we were to go something like the picture i showed you still would that whole think be classed as a coop then we would just need to add a 3x2m extention run onto that?? Or does the 2x2m coop mean entire thing closed no access to outside at all
The coop (or hen house) is where they sleep. They do not have access to the outdoors if the pop door is closed. The run is like a fenced in yard- its where they play all day, eat, dust bathe, etc.
Yes i got that but does the coop have to be 2x2m of enclosed space? Could it be half enclosed were nest boxes etc are and the other half just covered roof over some roosts?
Well, yes, if it is secure and predators can't get to them. (Which means you need hardware cloth across these 'gaps' in the coop.) Here is a thread about hot weather coops:

The problem with these is that they are for hot weather only, and will let in rain if the roof overhang isn't big enough. That is why so many people who own a hot weather coop have wood/plexiglass (or even just a tarp, in some very super hot areas) 'storm doors', which fit over the open parts of the coop in cold or rainy weather.
Well weve come up with idea just to convert our large metal garden shed with concrete slab into the coop and just build a run extension.. Trouble is it does get hot on that side of the house in QLD summers as advice to how we could go about this.. The shed backs onto fence line on 2 sides and we have 2 dogs so predators arnt an issue in our yard.. Any ideas on making the shed summer proof maybe winter proof too sheds bigger then 2x2m so gives them extra space and were free to expand our flock if we want too.
The concrete slab will help cool down the chicken's feet, so you could make bedding in the summer thinner. Are there any trees around the shed to provide shade? Does the shed have open able windows, or do you have the tools to cut some holes into the shed so you can install ones you find/get for free? Leaving windows open (with a hardware cloth screen) to make a cross breeze is about the biggest way to cool down the coop, if you cant move it to a shady area. Building a cupola would draw out moisture and heat. You could also paint the shed a light color to help reflect heat, instead of absorbing it like black would. I've also heard that insulation, instead of just retaining heat, can also help exclude it... but only if you put it in the roof. I don't know if that is actually true, so....

Congratulations on building a big coop! You can expand your future flock!
Mine has to stay smallish... :(
This is a great idea to take advantage of what you already have. Ventilation is critical and shade either man made or with planting a tree near by. Cheep N Peep suggestions are good and there are breeds of chickens that are more adapted to heat, but you still need to be careful. Chickens usually like to be in the shady part of a yard. If you don't have any shady area you can build a simple shade hut with four legs and a top. On person I read put two boards together in an A frame. I spent one year just collecting things that I thought would help me in making my chicken coop. Be patient and I am sure you will end up with a chicken home that will be ideal for you.

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