setting up my first coop

I know it is 10-12" roost space, about 25-30cm per bird. Try to make the roosts the same height. I like mine about 4ft off the ground, a little over a meter I believe. The pole I used is for closets about 10 cm diameter.
I made my run as big as I could the more room the happier the chickens.
3 meters or 3 ft?
If meters,you can run a pole along one wall which I think is 4-5 birds per meter. So about 12-20 birds. Make sure you have a ladder or ramp to let them hop up. I like the ladder because some of the birds can roost on the top or 2nd from top rungs. More roost space more birds.
I would try to get a 5m x 5m run if possible.
Sorry if my math is off trying to convert in my mind and understanding
A run 4m by 4m is plenty, but the size curious chickee suggested will make all of them very happy, and will help give the older girls places to go sulk when (not if- chicken math is contagious enough to spread through the internet! Beware of Easter!) you get baby chicks, and are integrating them into the flock.
I have six girls in the downstairs shower, 4 RIR mixes, 1 'bantam', and 1 EE. Their coop is being built.
Yes, that would be great. It allows space for any chicks to get away if needed. Plus explore. I believe chicks are happiest when they have plenty of room to stretch. Also having a larger coop will allow you to section off a portion when you need to transition in new birds, such as replacing your laying stock later down the road.
Im getting excited about our shed conversion we just purchased a 20 meter roll of snake and rodent proof avairy mesh that wa half price online we may need another roll yet but only collecting things so far.. We have also been given a large timber shelving unit which we thought we could enclose with plywood we have on hand andconvert into 3 or 4 nesting boxes. Would that be enough nests for a max of 12 chickens?? Each individual shelf is square and very big but i think for my heritage breeds im getting they will work out a great size...

My hubby has decided to construct a shade cloth over the metal shed to provide shade in summer but its going to be one that we can roll back during winter so the coop can have winter sunlight to warm it up..

There our plans and ideas so far.. Were thinking we will get our days olds in spring? Is there a good time of year to get day old chicks or doesnt it matter?
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Sounds like your doing great. I got my chicks when they were ten days and did they grew fast. Getting your birds in the spring will be good as it will be easer to keep them warm. Get a brooder set up with a heat lamp. I used a plastic bin with towels and paper and as they got older I found a dog crate that worked out. I do believe that 4 nest boxes will be best. I have 2 nest boxes for my 6 hens and sometimes it egg drama because they all want to drop their egg at the same time.
Keep studying and have fun.

About 3 weeks old and before they got very stinky.
The company who we will be getting our chicks from hire out brooder boxes for up to 6 weeks so we will just hire one.

We will be building this coop and run to accomodate up to 12 chooks however we will just be starting out with 6 and add to flock over a few years. So nest box numbers arnt a big deal until we expand our flock. I dont want to kull my hens wen they stop laying so being able to expand my flock later in the years to come will be good.. The old girls can retire peacefully and we will still have young ones to lay. Were only allowed 12 max according to council so thats wat were building to accomodate
My hubby and i are doing research into getting some chooks my hubby had them as a kid and i have always wanted some.
This is the coop we are looking into getting it says it can house up to 9 chickens but we only want 6 so a little extra room will be beneficial. It has 6 nest boxes in total the ones you can see in the picture and 3 at the back. We want this to be placed straight on grass however ive read they make a mess of grass with their scratching can we put standard chicken wire or larger mesh onto the flooring so the grass can poke through without getting fully ripped up? We would also be moving it around to give the grass a rest.. It also means the birds dont have to be shut inside the main coop over night they can come out and have a peck at grass if we happen to sleep in.. They will be given opportunity to free range when wete home to supervise we have dogs so free ranging without us at home is not an option

HA! LOL THAT WHAT I SAID (ONLY 4 CHICKENS) I am up to 20 in one years time. Oh lordy you will be buying a bigger coop. LOL
For the run its gonna need to be longer and narrow to fit were we want it.. Instead of 4x4m for 12chickens could we do a 3x5m or 2x6m would thatgive us same space requirement

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