Setting up today 26 May 2012.... Anyone setting can join

Don`t know if this counts but I put 8 mixed breed eggs under a broody silkie yesterday. She`s a good incubator. All were fathered by a golden laced polish and none are hers. Should be interesting if they all survive.
Don`t know if this counts but I put 8 mixed breed eggs under a broody silkie yesterday. She`s a good incubator. All were fathered by a golden laced polish and none are hers. Should be interesting if they all survive.
WOW can she cover 8? I was thinking of getting a few silkies just to have around as broodies if nothing else but I figured they could only cover 3 or 4 regular eggs.
The indoor outdoor thermo is digital, as is the cooking thermometer (not really an oven thermo, I used it for the oven to make yogurt at a low temp). It has an alarm on it to let you know when you have reached temp. I have lain it on the rack with the eggs, trying to keep wires from interfering with turner movement and it is now reading 100.6, so, gonna bump thermostat down a tad and stick with it. Thanks!
Im starting today (May 27th) but I figured I would keep tabs in here instead of starting a new thread!
This is my second go at hatching, this time I have set 27 future chickens in my hova-bator.
Last time I only had two out of about 10 hatch, so hopefully this time I can take what I learned last time and have a better hatch rate!

Good luck to everyone :)

Shivering Manitoba Chooks
This is so exciting, never had people hatching with me. Sounds like lots of experience here. I did a 4-H project with the kids about 10 or 12 years ago and we did well, but that was the last time I set and hatched eggs. I'm just getting back into the 'backyard chicken business"
The indoor outdoor thermo is digital, as is the cooking thermometer (not really an oven thermo, I used it for the oven to make yogurt at a low temp).  It has an alarm on it to let you know when you have reached temp.  I have lain it on the rack with the eggs, trying to keep wires from interfering with turner movement and it is now reading 100.6, so, gonna bump thermostat down a tad and stick with it. Thanks!

When I used lgs I had the cheapo digital thermos from Wally world and they were great. I ended up having some great hatches with them and they were both accurate for both humidity (I checked before starting every hatch) and temp. They were both Accurite brand. I bought a "good" one once and it was terrible I was one degree low on the temp and humidity was all over the place. It works still for a brooder thermo.

Good luck all and happy hatching!
Sheena85 the second picture is a golden laced polish chicken. Temps in the incubator have been really good all day hanging in there between 99.8 to about 100.2. I am using a inside outside thermometer with humidity from radio shack. I put the outside probe in the middle of the bator and the other towards the outer edge so I can see what the temps are in the middle and around the outside edge. I think I will build an incubator myself next time using the egg turner from the lg, Might even buy another one or two egg turners. Just so i can build a bigger incubator. I have been looking at different options for the heating and humidity control. I found a really nice thermostat controller with built in relays for the heater control and a controller for cooling, which would be hooked up to a vent to allow the inside heat to escape. I will make a new thread on that once i start that project. But I have to get the rest of the chickens i have laying first.
Woke up to a temp in the incubator of 98
No idea how long it has been that low! went up pretty easily so hopefully not long. These hot hot days and cooler nights are gonna be a challenge. Should I candle tomorrow - day 3?

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