It's official on the pizza cutter...I just got off the phone from placing the order for it...hard to believe the annual event is only 7 weeks away now...the time will go by faster than you know it!
For all the excitement, that must be one heck of a pizza cutter...
As we are getting really close, I wanted to recap who I am supposed to get fertile eggs from....Brent I think you were one of two people that I was going to get a few eggs from, yes? Which breed did you say you had again?

Also, if anyone has items that they are weeding out of their own gardens, please post them here in case anyone wants them and write down the names of who wants them. Trust me, I have forgotten and someone suggested this!!! Great idea.
Yep it was me cs...I have buckeyes and need to know how many eggs you would like? I'll collect just days ahead of the bash and even that weekend to be sure you have fresh eggs.

I'm sure folks will want to trade plants Yvette.....I could pot up a couple small spruce trees. Prolly most folks have those though.
The fresher the better...I prefer them no more than 10 days old. 8 eggs or 8 doz? I collect 8 to 10 eggs daily....if you want just 8 eggs, then I can collect them on the weekend while you are here.

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