Several days & no egg, should I be concerned?

Yes she’s on layer feed and has constant access to eggshells. Today she’s started acting very lethargic although still eating and drinking. Her comb is still bright red and it’s floppy but it’s always been floppy. Her vent is a normal pink & not leaking and her crop feels normal although I will check again in the morning. Could this be molting?
Yes it sure can. And let's hope so!
Hmm hard to gauge if there's anything wrong from that poop as sometimes chickens just have the nastiest looking poops for no real reason.

Has your bird ever been wormed or have you ever seen evidence of worms?
They were wormed before I got them then back in July I found worms in a poop so I wormed all of them with ivermectin and haven’t seen any signs of worms since. I’m treating her as well as the rest of the flock with Corid now just to be safe.
Did that poop reek badly? It could be a cecal poop. Those can look and smell pretty bad.
Didn’t smell especially bad but not sure how long it was there once I found it. She had another poop that looked coccidiosis like so I’m treating her and the rest of the flock with Corid.
I have a legbar that’s about a year and a half old and on average lays every other/everyday. It’s been about 4 days now and no egg from her but all the other girls are laying regularly. They don’t freerange enough to have been able to lay a hidden egg and she’s acting completely normal. I picked her up and inspected her and don’t think she had an “egg like object” by her vent but I’ve never really felt around there when I know she’s healthy. Her vent looks normal too.I know the days are starting to get shorter and that can have an effect. Im just wondering if there’s anything else I should be doing?
my girls haven't laid all summer. I actually had to buy eggs last week! Slackers!!

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