Okay- I don’t know what to do
This is a very bad bad day
So the baby boy was pecked severely
His neck is wide open and I don’t know how he is alive
Thought it was the rooster
Then we’ve been searching over an our because our momma hen went missing in the dark and thought she went in the woods
But later found her tucked behind the door
Between the times I saw the roosters mate pecking at the babies and thought it must’ve been her and not the rooster
Now I feel horrible for what we’ve done by ending life to our bully rooster
She must’ve been jealous that they were not hers but then after finding momma hen and putting her back in I noticed her to start pecking the babies hard
I ended up putting them in with the injured one but I know they could possibly peck him to death because he’s hurt and weak
But I don’t have any where else to put them
Now I have all three babies in my house and I am scared to put them back in the coop
I hope they behave when they wake in the morning and leave my injured boy alone
They are all snuggled together and resting
But what am I going to do come morning
I cannot keep all three together in case they prey on the injured
If he makes it though the night
Do I look for rehoming
I don’t think I can put the babies back in with those females
What do I do
This is a very bad bad day

So the baby boy was pecked severely
His neck is wide open and I don’t know how he is alive
Thought it was the rooster
Then we’ve been searching over an our because our momma hen went missing in the dark and thought she went in the woods
But later found her tucked behind the door
Between the times I saw the roosters mate pecking at the babies and thought it must’ve been her and not the rooster
Now I feel horrible for what we’ve done by ending life to our bully rooster
She must’ve been jealous that they were not hers but then after finding momma hen and putting her back in I noticed her to start pecking the babies hard
So were both freaking outSo I immediately scooped them up and screamed for My fiancé and he let me in the door and I said what do I do
I ended up putting them in with the injured one but I know they could possibly peck him to death because he’s hurt and weak
But I don’t have any where else to put them
Now I have all three babies in my house and I am scared to put them back in the coop
I hope they behave when they wake in the morning and leave my injured boy alone
They are all snuggled together and resting
But what am I going to do come morning
I cannot keep all three together in case they prey on the injured
If he makes it though the night
Do I look for rehoming
I don’t think I can put the babies back in with those females
What do I do