sevin dust ***UPDATED***

I would not use the 10% sevin but I can buy the 5% here.

some of the mites might get on you and into your house but don't fret any. The mites and lice that get on chickens are species specific and can not live on humans and will die quickly. If you are worried about them you can hurry and get a shower and wash your clothes and dry them in the drier. If by chance they live through the washer the heat in the drier will surely kill them.
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Is it safe to eat the eggs from the chickens you treat with Sevin?

We are almost finished with the coop (chicks are now 3 weeks old). I am thinking that I will dust the coop floor down with Sevin BEFORE putting the chicks in. Maybe I can dust the flooring before adding the bedding material (pine type shavings and/or hay). Also I will dust the grass area around the outside of the coop too.

Next, we'll be working on the run.... so, I want to dust the run area (and outside the run area) with Sevin before I let the chicks out there too.

If I pre-apply the Sevin first in the coop and run (before adding the chicks), do you think it will be easier to control mites and lice afterward with DE? I will not have free-ranging chickens (because of predators) -- they will live in their 6x10 coop or their 10x16 run.

Also, I am thinking of providing a "dusting area" in a cat litter (or other type) container..... I would like to put sand or something in there with some DE dust for the chickens. Will this help them to keep the mites and lice off of their bodies themselves?

If possible, I would only like to use the Sevin to make sure (pre-treat) that I don't have mites and lice in the coop and run area before I add my chickens. And then, hopefully control the pests with DE after I get my chickens in their new home. Is this "do-able" if my chicks don't free range? Or am I being unrealistic?

I have used Sevin 5% before..... even with gloves/mask I must be allergic to it.... it makes my lips go numb and I feel weird. Even though it says on the package that it doesn't go into the vegetables (only stays on the surface), I swear I can taste if a veggy has been dusted! Even after a rain or after it's been washed off and a week has past. Maybe it's just me.
Thank you so much for sharing your knowledge!

Be sure to wash the coop down with a bleach solution and let it air before adding chickens.

If my coop is brand new and painted inside (I will air it out very well before adding my chicks), should I still bleach it?

P.S. -- I love bleach LOL I bleach down my house on the outside at least once per year. I also bleach my sidewalk and front porch. We live in a humid, shady area with lots of oak trees (especially around the house) and the bleach is the only way to control the green mold!​
If the 5% Sevin (Carbaryl) doesn't work, and you would prefer not to use the 10%, then you should probably go to a permethrin garden and pet dust. That's the chemical name, it can be sold with numerous brand names, just like Sevin is a brand name. You may not always be able to find the Sevin brand, so look for the Carbaryl chemical name.

Most over the counter garden chemicals are relatively safe, but as many people have mentioned here, you never know which ones you are going to be sensitive to, so you should handle them all with caution. (My mom always said she could taste the Sevin if she used it on leafy vegetables like lettuce, mustard and spinach, but not other things)

As for treating the birds themselves, I always dusted them at night when they had gone to roost and I also added a little dust to to the places in the hen house or yard where the chickens like to dust themselves.

There is not a withdrawal period for eating the eggs on birds treated with these chemicals.
I have heard some people say you shouldn't eat the eggs for a week. Do you eat yours right after dusting them with sevin? I just got my seramas so i doubt they will be laying within the next week so its really not an issue for me at the moment,

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