Sexing Barred Rocks

Ha ha ha, I've been mooned by chicks!!! I really would need to see the head shots and a body shot would be nice as well on them. Butt shots, while cute, do me no good in trying to help determine the sex. :)

No idea if this helps..but here are my girls (mostly) when they were just a few days old.
that little black chick next to the feeder is a pullet.
Her yellow spot was more of a smudge
That's kind of how the 4 that are similar look. Maybe we got lucky! The guy we got them from had another trick that an Amish guy showed him too. If you take your index finger and middle finger like scissors, and pick them up around their neck, if they squirm and fight like crazy, they are male. If they just hang there, they are female. Keep in mind to not squeeze, but just lift them up a bit with those two fingers from behind. Not sure how true it is, but that's how he helped us try to get our chickens
That's kind of how the 4 that are similar look. Maybe we got lucky! The guy we got them from had another trick that an Amish guy showed him too. If you take your index finger and middle finger like scissors, and pick them up around their neck, if they squirm and fight like crazy, they are male. If they just hang there, they are female. Keep in mind to not squeeze, but just lift them up a bit with those two fingers from behind. Not sure how true it is, but that's how he helped us try to get our chickens

Old wives tale. There are so many of them out there it is not even funny.

This is one that the guy told us was most likely female. Opinions?

Hmmm, can we see pics of the others heads as well? Is this guy a breeder or are these hatchery birds? Makes a big difference in trying to follow the identification guidelines on them. If they are 6 days old, they should have some pretty good feathering coming on the wings right now. Can you get wing shots of them? It is so much easier to tell that way.

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