Sexing Barred Rocks


We got these chicks from a local backyard farmer. He said all are Barred Rocks and mostly female but no promises (on sex). I'm not sure that all are even Barred Rock's. We have a small flock of 20 (ten of which are the Barred Rock). I already know that I have one roo that is a Bantam chick. So trying to figure out how many we will have to eat/rehome.

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We got these chicks from a local backyard farmer. He said all are Barred Rocks and mostly female but no promises (on sex). I'm not sure that all are even Barred Rock's. We have a small flock of 20 (ten of which are the Barred Rock). I already know that I have one roo that is a Bantam chick. So trying to figure out how many we will have to eat/rehome.
Looks like you have barred rocks which you know and possibly australorps. Barred rock pullets usually have a white spot sorta circle on the top of their head, the cockerels spot is more all over the place. Looks like you might haves Jersey Giant too.
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All of the chicks I posted are suppose to be the Barred Rock chicks.

This is suppose to be our australorp chick

The smallest of the BR chick the day we got him/her and then today

We got these chicks from a local backyard farmer. He said all are Barred Rocks and mostly female but no promises (on sex). I'm not sure that all are even Barred Rock's. We have a small flock of 20 (ten of which are the Barred Rock). I already know that I have one roo that is a Bantam chick. So trying to figure out how many we will have to eat/rehome.

Male (?)

One in the back female (?)

Female (?)


Female (?)

No idea what this chick is but thinking not a BR chick.

Same with this one

Male (?)

In these pictures she/he is with a Production Red and a Silver Laced Cochin that I got from the local fed store out of the Banty chick bin. I forgot our biggest of the bunch which I really hope is a female

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