Sexing button quails


6 Years
Jul 14, 2017
I’m not sure how to identify these quails! I already have 2 separate enclosures for 2 pairs and homes for the rest although i still can’t identify whos who.

They are turning bald and i am scared that it might escalate to soemthing worse if i don’t separate them soon.

There are 6 of them:
1 normal
1 tux
The rest im not sure, if anyone can help me out with the type that would be great!
Your wild type looks like a hen. The others aren't feather sexable, however. How old are they? You should be able to start seeing differences in behaviour, and, of course, hens will lay eggs.

If you put treats in, do you have any that stand around with a treat in their beak rather than eating it right away? Those are probably males. Males also have a crow.

Your wild type looks like a hen. The others aren't feather sexable, however. How old are they? You should be able to start seeing differences in behaviour, and, of course, hens will lay eggs.

If you put treats in, do you have any that stand around with a treat in their beak rather than eating it right away? Those are probably males. Males also have a crow.

Are the tux ones not feather sexable too? Its top part looks like a normal female but im not sure. I’ve never heard crowing but i think ill listen better.

They are around 4 months old, no eggs… i feed them correctly, maybe its because i have so many females around?
Also does preening eachother mean anything? I think i see one of them picking up food. Im worried i might miss pair them. Im looking to pick 2 pairs out for the aviary
Tuxes aren't feather sexable. Normally you can tell by the feathers around the vent, but when those are white, it doesn't work. Males will have red/pink feathers around the vent.

Preening each other could be a pair, or it could just be birds that get along well. It's not a bad guess for a pair, though.
Tuxes aren't feather sexable. Normally you can tell by the feathers around the vent, but when those are white, it doesn't work. Males will have red/pink feathers around the vent.

Preening each other could be a pair, or it could just be birds that get along well. It's not a bad guess for a pair, though.
Ah i see, i always hear the “meep meep” noise but never heard crows, nobody in the house has ever heard the crows either. Is it safe to say that they are all females? If so how do i seperate them for the time being? With egg crates so they don’t fight? Alone? Pairs?
I wouldn't assume that they're all female. Some males only crow once in a rare while.

If you're going to separate them, I would put them into pairs. They need company and pairs are less likely to fight. Keep an eye on them, though. If one pair don't get along, you can try swapping partners with another pair.
I wouldn't assume that they're all female. Some males only crow once in a rare while.

If you're going to separate them, I would put them into pairs. They need company and pairs are less likely to fight. Keep an eye on them, though. If one pair don't get along, you can try swapping partners with another pair.
Ah sorry i haven’t pressed the post reply button :confused:.

I got a male for one of my hens and just now am i hearing the crowing, and yeah it was from the one i just got. Maybe they are all females…

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