Sexing chickens

i have 3 Australops and would like to know what distinguishes the pullets from the cockerels? Other chicken breeds have been easy to pick as the feathers of the cocks were very fancy and their voices broke into a typical crow.
It depends on age. If they are under 7 weeks you probably won't be able to distinguish them. At 7 weeks to 14 weeks or so, the cockerels will have larger and redder combs and wattles, in most cases. The females will have small, pale combs during that period and little if any wattle development.
It depends on age. If they are under 7 weeks you probably won't be able to distinguish them. At 7 weeks to 14 weeks or so, the cockerels will have larger and redder combs and wattles, in most cases. The females will have small, pale combs during that period and little if any wattle development.
X2, very good info. :) Would love to see some pictures if you have any.


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