Sexing chicks.. interesting thing I heard..


5 Years
Mar 15, 2019
Garrett County, Maryland
Ok so My son worked with a local farmer/friend of the family.. this farmers wife went to rural king and was buying chicks.. (I forget how many she bought but it was alot) the girl that was getting the chicks boxed up for her started turning the chicks gently upside down in the palm of her hand. She kept a gentle but firm hold with their legs free. She said that if the chick kicked alot it was more than likely a male, if they stayed calm more than likely female... the farmers wife said she only ended up with one male..

Has anyone else heard this or have you triedbit?
Yes I have tried this one personally. I checked it on dozens of CCL chicks when I raised them and it was a FAIL.
I did also try it on 4 turkey poults and was 100%. Guess that makes it safe to say it's absolutely 100% accurate every time with turkey poults. Or maybe I just got lucky.
Ok so My son worked with a local farmer/friend of the family.. this farmers wife went to rural king and was buying chicks.. (I forget how many she bought but it was alot) the girl that was getting the chicks boxed up for her started turning the chicks gently upside down in the palm of her hand. She kept a gentle but firm hold with their legs free. She said that if the chick kicked alot it was more than likely a male, if they stayed calm more than likely female... the farmers wife said she only ended up with one male..

Has anyone else heard this or have you triedbit?
It’s fake. Chicks are squirmy lil devils, as repeatedly proven by mine, and it’s a fake method.

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