Sexing EE chicks


In the Brooder
Apr 10, 2017
This is for anyone who’s an expert on EE. My chicks are a week old and I’ve been reading that some people can tell the sex right away from their markings. These are my first EE that I hatched out under silkies. Can’t get the best pics yet, due to a very protective mother
Thank you all. I’m very excited! My 2 silkie pullets are co-mothering them. They were straight run eggs from a neighbor who has coocko marans, welsummers and EE. All eggs were from EE hens, but I’m sure will probably have some cross. Had to share a peek a boo pic from today:
Thank you all. I’m very excited! My 2 silkie pullets are co-mothering them. They were straight run eggs from a neighbor who has coocko marans, welsummers and EE. All eggs were from EE hens, but I’m sure will probably have some cross. Had to share a peek a boo pic from today:View attachment 1578344
Would you just look at those precious little heads! :love


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