Sexing Eggs Experiment

Em, thanks for making me laugh first thing in the morning! All I could see was a chick running around the brooder with money in her mouth with her sisters chasing her like when they get a bug.

That aside,

I really don't understand all the negativity the OP is getting. What's wrong with you guys? It's a simple harmless experiment.

As a child I was taught, if you don't have anything nice to say to someone, don't say anything at all.

There are some around here that could use a little lesson on that.
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To the OP: I didn't intend to say you shouldn't do a sexing experiment, not at all. I do feel that you could do just as well flipping a quarter over the egg and writing down your findings for later confirmation. Of course, some of the time, the quarter would be right.
I've been told the same thing.. And I always try to put more rounded end eggs in the bator, my chances have been pretty good so far. I usually end up with more hens then roosters.
These things are just chance. They use to say the same thing about holding the string over someones rist and see if they are going to have kids and what sex they are. i thinkg it is the person holding the thing that makes it swing. They done it on us. I was not suppose to have any. Guess what got some. And before you say mommies little babies daddies little mayby. They have had DNA test they are mine. It dosen't work.

But I guess it is fun to test the eggs and see what you come up with. So have all the fun uyou guys want. You will get some right. Also if you get them all right with these wives tales GO BY A LOTTO TICKET. Cause you are very lucky
Wow, I am quite amused at the controversy over this subject.

I am in the medical profession myself. That be said, I do believe some things that defy scientific logic can be true. Not everything can be scientifically explained.

That is just my opion.

Anyway, I'm doing this just for fun. I'm interested in seeing how accurate it is. And I'm guessing if I get 100% accuracy, there will be those that say it was just by 'chance'.

Okay. Eggs are set. 34 Rhode IsandRred and 8 Frizzle mix eggs, total of of 42. I checked all my eggs using a magnet on a string and put only the eggs that got a circle reponse (female) in the incubator. The others will be eaten.

So all 42 eggs should be pullets. Once they hatch I will use the magnet again to see what results I get. And then in about 4 weeks after hatch I should be able to tell the sex visually.

Someone mentioned temperature affecting sex of chicks, such as in reptiles. This is not the case with chicken eggs. Sex is determined at the time of "conception" and the embryo is either male or female in the fertile egg even before incubation.

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