Sexing Eggs Experiment

Have fun!! And enjoy your experiment!!
I hate to be the one to disagree with all the doubters out there, but I have seen the magnet on a string thing work more than once. My Uncle is way over 90% accurate using this method on eggs. He is extremly accurate on pregant women, and I have seen him even use it to correctly guess the age of a lying woman. To dismiss this method as a myth or wifes tale is up to the individual reader. But Science will never convince me the method doesnt work. As one old professor once said, "If what works in the field doesnt agree with what works in the books, You go with what works in the field."
Agreed... depends on the individual (person)doing it.
Not everyone can douse for water either. It is a gift.
But I've also thought it might just be science that hasn't been proven yet (ie. an individual's body chemistry in relation to Earth's chemistry)... think about it.
I cant wait to see the results!! I think Im going to try it out on my chicks I have now. 2 are definatly pullets and one is unknown so I will be curious to see what it tells me. Will let you know
I say good luck on your experiment! It will be interesting to see what the results are.
I would love to know if sex has anything to do with the timing of the hatching.. since roosters are rather quick chicks or so I have been told maybe they are the ones that hatch first.
Yes alot of harm comes from thing like make scammer like the guy on ebay selling these lots of money.......If you buy this I sell pullet sand , just a little on each egg ....pullet will hatch. only 25.00 per lbs plus 25.00 shipping ,guaranteed to work or money back ,sorry can't refund shipping cost.

Think about it the guy sell these , his buyer half will be he still making money.

Its hard to believe **** people will believe.

Like the water dowel .....water in this area is there just at different depth.

Oh easy way to sex day old , just use blue and pink feed bowls. pullets will eat from only pink bowl, cockerels blue. its that easy.
Sounds like a fun experiment! Can't wait to see how it comes out! I read somewhere on BYC about people giving their hens and roosters ACV every day and getting mostly female chicks.

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