sexing embden geese

Not really
How many do you have?

Unless you have someone who knows how "sex" them (look up their behinds) you'll have to wait until they are about six months old.

I have a male/female pair I got as goslings, and watching them grow up has shown me and made their gender differences obvious long before they LOOKED different. Mainly, the gander was taller and more friendly/attention seeking, the goose shyer and more demur. This is a pretty solid sex characteristic with geese. The gander has a higher screechier voice and the goose a lower pitched chattering voice.

My gander always has his head up in the air, scanning the environment for dangers (the dog, a marauding chicken). He's the one who advances at the possibility o a danger, while the geese hang back and egg him on.

And if all that fails, someone will start laying eggs in March or so
. THAT one is female
. If no one lays, you have a gaggle of ganders (not a bad thing in itself). It's a fact all goose lovers get to live with, the uncertaintly, unless you learn to vent sex them or find someone who knows how.
You can kind of tell by their behavior. The males tend to be more friendly, and louder than the geese. Their honks are usually high-pitched. Also, if you have more than one, presumably at least one of each sex, the males should be bigger than the females. I've got 4 embdens right now, supposedly 2 pairs. I guess I'll see in the spring if they're right, cause I'm thinking one of my pairs is a pair of males

Mine are about 4 months old (1 pair) and about 18 months. I have had the older pair since about mid-April, the younger ones for about a month.
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