Sexing Guineas


11 Years
Feb 26, 2008
Fincastle, VA
Can anyone tell me how to distinguish between male and female Guineas? I have 6. 3 pearl and 3 slate. Would like to beable to figure out if I got all males or females.
I could be wrong but I heard the only way to tell the difference in Guinea's is by the sound they make.

The females make a sound kinda like "Buckwheat", a two pitch sound and males only make a one pitch sound that is extremely loud.
females make a soun d like they are saying buck wheat buck wheat and the males are just plain loud barking like sound you can tell by the helmet and the waddles but i am not sure which one is bigger i believe the male and also a different shape helmet also
This time of year the males are the ones constantly chasing the other ones around too
Yep, the easiest way is the call they make.

Females: buck-wheat, buck-wheat

Males: key-key-key-key-key like a broken car alarm

The males will sometimes have slightly redder heads and bigger wattles.

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