Sexing Muscovy Ducklings


Jul 7, 2016
Hey all I have some 5 week old Muscovies I'm hoping you can help me sex. What do you think?

Thinking the two standing are both females

Two behind male? Two in front female?

Ones you can see the legs (from left to right) male, female, female??

The one you can see his legs, Male?

Here are my guesses. I could be wrong; it’s a little hard to tell in pictures as opposed to real life.

One of the 'males' is in red text - that means nothing; it was just an accident.

At this age, the feather growth, especially on the wings, is the easiest way to tell. I would guess that the ones that have larger primary sprouts are females and the ones with wings just starting to develop are males.
It's hard to tell from these pictures.

At 5 weeks you should be able to see a difference in their feet and legs. Drakes of course have bigger feet and legs and a wider stance. Drakes chest will stick out and their underline from leg to tail is flat. Females look 'petite and feminine'... smaller heads, beaks and body length.
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