sexing questions


8 Years
Jun 4, 2011
Central Ohio
There are a few birds in my flock I'm kind of stumped on. If there are NO spurs on an adult, can you be reasonably certain its a hen? Also, are there are pics that i can see an individual saddle feather, and not one of the super long ones? I'm not real clear on just what the shape of them is unless it's the glaringly obvious long drapey type.
Also, some hens do have combs and wattles, just not as defined as males, right?
Hens have combs and wattles and spurs. Roos have combs and wattles and spurs. An adult chicken will be clearly male or female. A rooster's saddle feather will be long, slender and pointy and drape over his thighs. A hen's saddle feather will be short and fat and rounded. Hackle feathers are another sign to look at to determine gender. Some breeds can be sexed at a day old and others not until someone lays an egg. Also note that hens can crow and roosters can make hen sounds and not crow. If you can post pics of your birds showing a good full shot of posture and include feet and legs. Also a pic of the face/comb area. There are many folks here who can accurately sex your birds.
I'm trying to get pics, but they arent real friendly, I'm a novice to chicken wrangling and the others keep getting in the way. Oh, and i might be the worst photographer in the world. I'll try again in a few minutes now that they are probably roosting for the night. of course, I will have to wake them to take pics...
Mature hens have combs and wattles that are bright red. The shape and size depends on the breed. Generally, roo's combs are larger than hens, but some breeds of hens have very large combs--leghorns come to mind. Post pics and we can tell you what you've got.
I posted this guy in another post, but I'll put him here too. I'm 99% sure its a roo. I think he looks rather like a vulture.


yeah, his coloring just made it hard to tell, esp when he wouldnt be still and kept hiding behind the other birds. Plus, his lack of comb and wattle thre me. There are two hens that look just like that but solid black. Same comb and wattle, same goofy hairdo. very round feathers though. Ugly boy gets a pass to avoid freezer camp just because I think he's so ridiculous looking.
The color is a dead giveaway on rooster.

There are all kinds of signs of him being a rooster, but the color and saddle feathers are two ones you can't go wrong with.
Females cannot be black with yellow, white, or red shoulders or back.
Really? I didnt know that about the color!
Hmm, there are a couple hens that I swear have red shoulders. Let me see if I took pics of them too...

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