Sexing your Silkies (PICTURES AND TIPS - Updated July-5-12)

I had been wanting to keep a photographic record of how Silkie chicks grow up, so when I had two hatch I took a picture on hatch day and at one week intervals after that. As it turned out, the two chicks were male and female. Here is a slide show of their progression. The female is the chick with the more vaulted skull.

That is so cool! I lost track of which was which though. When did you know the sexes and what were the things you noted?
So this little blue silkie:

Turned out to be a cockerel!

I chose him as a chick because he walked with a low chest stance, seemed to hide under others, had a round shaped tuft of fuzz on his head, and didn't stand tall in front of the group.
I chose 4 others with the above criteria as well and one I am sure is a girl. Two others I believe are girls. One little white I think is a cockerel as well but hasn't crowed [yet?].

[COLOR=FF0000]So this little blue silkie:[/COLOR]

Turned out to be a cockerel!

I chose him as a chick because he walked with a low chest stance, seemed to hide under others, had a round shaped tuft of fuzz on his head, and didn't stand tall in front of the group. 
I chose 4 others with the above criteria as well and one I am sure is a girl.  Two others I believe are girls.  One little white I think is a cockerel as well but hasn't crowed [yet?].


How do you know it is a cockerel at this age? Looks about 4-5 weeks old. Still too young to sex accurately. 8 weeks would be the earliest - 12 weeks is ideal.

But if I HAD to guess. I would say boy on the above one. The comb is pretty big for that age.
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How do you know it is a cockerel at this age? Looks about 4-5 weeks old. Still too young to sex accurately. 8 weeks would be the earliest - 12 weeks is ideal.
But if I HAD to guess. I would say boy on the above one. The comb is pretty big for that age.

Apologies, he is older than in that last picture. He's almost 3 months now; I just don't have a new picture of him. His beak test was "girl" actually too, prior to knowing for sure. So, all things pointed to a girl, except he did like to chest bump [but girls do that too when young], and he developed a bump on his comb that looked the size of a small pea. First real clue.

I know he's a boy because he crowed! More than once--as pitiful as it sounds, LOL.

Just thought I'd share my experience with early attempts at selecting for a sex. He's a SUPER sweet boy though and runs to your hand to be held. Loves to be held and petted. Very calm and dangles his feet with no worries. If anyone would like him..... :)
I took some 2 day old chicks to a swap to sell, along with some hatching eggs (also silkie) and some very RUDE woman proceeded to pick up my chicks in front of the buyers and label all but one as male. Then did the same with my eggs!
Now is she crazy and just trying to take my customers, or is she just some deranged pro with no social class? I'm guessing she's just rude, mean and classless...
I have NO clue even after reading this what our miracle Halo is? he was a shipped egg with a detatched air cell!

you may have to enlarge the pics to see, I am a lousy photographer!

OMG SILKIE BLUE B IS ALIVE!!!! pic below day 6

oct 23rd next two pics (1 month) sitting on my little girls new cooler bator! (which btw she had a 100% hatch from local eggs!) YAY she is 8 btw



November 13 ( 8 weeks) pics below

Thanks for your help!!

Below is Romeo and Juliet (and have looked different from the begining! one taller and braver)


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